Monday, 3 August 2015

Urban and Community Forestry – Policy and Law Trees, Parking and Green Law: Strategies for Sustainability February 2004 Prepared by: Kathle... thumbnail 1 summary
Urban and Community Forestry – Policy and Law
Trees, Parking and Green Law:
Strategies for Sustainability
February 2004
Prepared by:
Kathleen L. Wolf
College of Forest Resources, University of Washington
Project sponsors:
USDA Forest Service, Southern Region
Georgia Forestry Commission
5 percent canopy shading 20 percent canopy shading
50 percent canopy shading 60 percent canopy shading

Trees and Parking
Trees, Parking and Green Law:
Strategies for Sustainability
February 2004
Prepared by:
Kathleen L. Wolf, Ph.D.
College of Forest Resources
University of Washington
Seattle, Washington
Project sponsors:
USDA Forest Service, Southern Region
Southern Center for Urban Forestry Research and Information
320 Green Street
Athens, Georgia 30602-2044
Georgia Forestry Commission
Urban and Community Forestry
6835 James B. Rivers Memorial Drive
Stone Mountain, Georgia 30083
This research and report was funded by:
USDA Forest Service,
Urban and Community Forestry Financial Assistance Grant;
administered by the Georgia Forestry Commission
Trees and Parking
Appreciation is extended to the following people for their support of, and
contributions to this project. Some of the people listed below made suggestions
regarding technical content; all content and any errors contained in this report are
the responsibility of the author.
Ed Macie
USDA Forest Service, Southern Region
Susan Reisch
Georgia Forestry Commission, Urban and Community Forestry
Ingrid Sather
USDA Forest Service,
Southern Center for Urban Forestry Research and Information
Rob Crouch
City of Portland, Oregon; Parks and Recreation
Greg McPherson
USDA Forest Service, Center for Urban Forest Research
Buck Abbey
Louisiana State University, Green Law Research
Dudley R. Hartel
USDA Forest Service
Southern Center for Urban Forestry Research and Information
Joe Burgess
Georgia Forestry Commission
Correspondence about this report can be sent to the author at:
Copies of this report are available as PDF files at:
Citation for report:
Wolf, K. L. 2004. Trees, Parking and Green Law: Strategies for Sustainability.
Stone Mountain, GA: Georgia Forestry Commission, Urban and Community
Trees and Parking
1. INTRODUCTION ............................................................... 1
Law, Design and Sustainability ----------------------------------------------------- 2
Report Purpose and Content--------------------------------------------------------- 4
Project Approach --------------------------------------------------------------------- 4
ENVIRONMENT ----------------------------------------------------- 7
Urban Land Cover and Forests------------------------------------------------------ 7
Heat Island Effects ------------------------------------------------------------------- 8
Climate Change--------------------------------------------------------------------- 11
Air Qualiity ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12
Stormwater Runoff ----------------------------------------------------------------- 14
Trees and Social Benefits---------------------------------------------------------- 14
Benefits Economics – The Synergies of Trees ---------------------------------- 15
3. POLICY AND LAW ----------------------------------------------- 17
Time and Change ------------------------------------------------------------------- 17
Purpose Statements----------------------------------------------------------------- 18
The Past - Visual Issues------------------------------------------------------------ 19
Expanded Purpose Statements ---------------------------------------------------- 21
4. CODE TRADITIONS ---------------------------------------------- 25
Buffering, Screening and Perimeter Planting ----------------------------------- 25
Interior Landscape------------------------------------------------------------------ 27
Vegetation Quantity ---------------------------------------------------------------- 30
Variable Landscape Requirements ----------------------------------------------- 31
Combining Traditions and Innovations ------------------------------------------ 34
5. GREEN LAW INNOVATIONS --------------------------------- 35
Parking Demand and Parking Space Counts ------------------------------------ 36
Flexible Parking Geometry-------------------------------------------------------- 37
Tree Preservation and Retention -------------------------------------------------- 39
Tree Canopy Cover----------------------------------------------------------------- 41
Plant Specification------------------------------------------------------------------ 42
Stormwater Management ---------------------------------------------------------- 43
Trees and Parking
Development Plan Review--------------------------------------------------------- 47
Trees and Construction------------------------------------------------------------- 49
Vegetation Maintenance ----------------------------------------------------------- 50
Final Considerations---------------------------------------------------------------- 51
Parking Areas – Necessity and Nuisance! --------------------------------------- 54
REFERENCES AND RESOURCES -------------------------------- 57
Code, Ordinances, Guidelines and Manuals ------------------------------------- 57
Science, Environment and Tree Benefits----------------------------------------- 59
APPENDIX B: CODE EXAMPLES -------------------------------- 69
Code Traditions --------------------------------------------------------------------- 69
Code Innovations ------------------------------------------------------------------- 72
Chapter One
While the goal of sustainability is widely accepted, the ways and means of
achieving sustainability in urban areas are still being debated, created and tested.
Sustainability is defined in the urban context as practices that do not exceed the
environment’s capacity to support both human and natural communities, now and
in the future – including issues of soil, air, water, vegetation and energy.
Sustainability can be realized in part through the adoption of innovative legal
code. In their efforts to achieve sustainability, many American cities have
reviewed and revised urban forestry, parking construction and building practices.
Communities use sustainability strategies that include both comprehensive and
detailed approaches to achieve their goals (Portney 2001). Sustainability
initiatives vary in scale, depending on the jurisdictional boundaries of a city,
county, or metropolitan area. Initiatives may also acknowledge landscape
boundaries, such as a watersheds or ecosystems. At the landscape scale, for
example, regional governments may team up to construct a transit system,
reducing use of non-renewable energy sources. Site-scale practices, such as green
building design, also affect energy use.
This report is intended to be a resource tool for concerned citizens and
professionals in communities who are acting on one facet of sustainability - urban
parking lots. The report contains scientific information about environmental
impacts of paving in cities, and provides an overview of legal strategies to reduce
those effects. Interested professionals may include planners, landscape architects,
engineers and urban foresters. Community
volunteers serving on planning commissions
or urban forest councils may also find this
information helpful.
Parking Areas & Sustainability
Parking areas are an integral part of the
built landscape in American settlements of
all scales, from the small town to major
metropolitan centers. Parking areas are a
landscape cover associated with all zoning
and land-use types. Parking lots occupy
about 10 percent overall of the land in U.S.
cities, and can be as much as 20 to 30
percent of downtown core areas
(Beatty 1989).
Parking lots can occupy as much as 20 to 30 percent of
downtown areas
Parking areas serve primarily for vehicle storage while people spend time in
spaces where they live, work and learn. But parking areas also reflect American
lifestyle trends. For instance, universities now provide more parking than in the
past because of increased numbers of evening and commuting students, and
hospitals provide more parking because of increased short-term out patient care.
Parking Area Impacts
It is estimated that 80 to 90 percent of all U.S. parking demand is provided by
surface parking lots (Stocks 1983). Typically, two or three times as much space
for parking lots (usually surface lots) is created as there is floor space in the
building being served by the parking. Lots for regional malls can take up more
than 50 or 60 acres.
Parking space is often viewed by
developers as being essential to the market
success of commercial buildings. Yet city
planners must balance this commercial
need for parking with other community
desires such as a more compact urban
form, a more pedestrian-oriented urban
design and an improved environment.
Large surface parking lots can contribute
to drainage and flooding problems,
increase urban heat islands, become visual
eyesores, and encourage people to
abandon mass transit, thereby accentuating
air quality problems (McPherson 2001).
Legal code, ordinances and regulations are important tools that communities can
use to encourage, require and enforce sustainable practices. Historically, code has
been motivated by aesthetic concerns, such as city beautification or urban renewal
programs. Contemporary code should be guided by best available science so that
law is based on sustainability goals, and reflects contemporary concerns about
human health and welfare.
Green law in U.S. cities has existed for many decades, and can be thought of
collectively as the codes and ordinances that address landscape, trees, green
spaces, and how these elements are created, enhanced or protected during
development. Early green law addressed aesthetic concerns, but recently code
purposes and goals have become more comprehensive and explicitly address the
environmental benefits of having nature and ecosystems in cities. Many of the
Trees and landscaping can reduce paved area impacts
Chapter One
recommended practices of green law are associated with particular land uses or
development actions.
Design is another aspect of sustainability and plays a dual role in green law. On
one hand, designers can be very creative in developing new ideas about
construction and materials that support sustainability goals. Successful smallscale
experiments can become incorporated into code, then implemented
throughout a community. Yet, not all site developers are as innovative as others.
Much local green law has been written to encourage designers (architects,
landscape architects and engineers) to achieve specific site planning and
environmental goals that a community deems to be important. It is a combination
of good design and legal documents (ranging from local master plans and zoning
ordinances to federal regulations) that empower communities to become the
places where people choose to live. While design is an important part of the code
evolution process, this document will focus on the legal aspects of community
Definitions of Terms: Code, Ordinance and Green Law
The terms “code” and “ordinance” are used frequently in this report. A municipal or county code is the entire
body of laws and regulations that defines legally accepted procedures, practices, responsibilities and built form
within a community. It includes comprehensive legal description of community development practices. A city or
county’s code is usually organized hierarchically, as shown in this example:
GreenCity Municipal Code
Title: Buildings and Construction (alternative heading is Article)
Title: Zoning
Title: Subdivisions
Title: Environment
Chapter: Environmental Policy (alternative heading is Part)
Chapter: Noise Regulation
Chapter: Vegetation Management
Section: Findings and declaration of purpose
Section: Vegetation management permit
Section: Submittal requirements
Ordinances are new laws, passed by local legislative councils. Ordinances may be used to add a new Chapter,
revise or amend an existing Title, establish a new requirement for a development permit, levy a new fee or amend
a master plan. Some ordinances may address new community concerns (such as skateboard restrictions) and so
function as general, stand-alone laws. Over time collections of ordinances may be reviewed and integrated to
become new code chapters. Finally, “standards” are the regulatory benchmarks that clarify how the law will look
on the ground, and are found within both code and ordinances, usually at the Section level.
“Green Law” is a phrase that generally refers to the entire collection of a city or county’s local code and
ordinances, and includes any site-specific law that addresses landscaping, trees, stormwater, and other
environmental concerns in built or urbanized settings. The green law of one community may be limited in its
applications, while other communities have extensive and comprehensive green law. Buck Abbey, a professor at
Louisiana State University, has compiled information about Green Law:
Unlike code about structural buildings or transportation, there is no national,
standardized green law. Thus, some communities have made modest green law
efforts, while others have developed quite innovative and comprehensive codes
and ordinances. This variation reflects community differences in local climatic
and natural conditions, local urban growth dynamics, and political acceptability of
green law.
This report is a collection and analysis of code about one dynamic of
sustainability – how trees and the urban forest can mitigate parking area impacts.
The report has several goals:
• provide an overview of current scientific knowledge regarding
trees and parking areas,
• consider the purpose of code and law given the best available
scientific information,
• trace the history of urban green law regarding parking areas,
including a summary of traditional code approaches,
• present the latest legal innovations that reduce and mitigate
parking area impacts in cities.
Following this introduction, Chapter 2 provides an overview of current scientific
information about paving, trees and urban environment effects. Chapter 3
provides an overview of urban forest policy and code purposes. A review of tree
and parking code traditions is found in Chapter 4, and the next chapter presents
emerging new practices and law. Chapter 6 considers some secondary
components of ordinances, and describes best practices associated with creating
and enforcing tree and parking area laws. Finally, appendices provide additional
information sources and links to code examples.
This report is a synthesis of legal requirements for trees and parking in the United
States. It is not an exhaustive catalog of municipal code, but uses examples of
green law to illustrate the array of traditional and emerging legal tools that can be
used to improve environmental quality in and around parking areas.
Some code examples are provided as verbatim excerpts from municipal sources
(indicated by italics throughout the report). Other examples are described in
summary form. Most of the source text for municipal code is now available online.
Generally, from within a city’s web site, one follows links to the planning or
community development departments. Additional links to the Zoning,
Subdivision or Development code of ordinances will produce both parking and
landscape regulations.
Chapter One
This initial review of parking lot code includes materials provided by the USDA
Forest Service, Abbey (1998), Robinette (1992, 1993) and the International
Society of Arboriculture (ISA 2003). The report has focused on cities of the
southeastern United States, but also considers innovative code from throughout
the entire country.
An image collection was also prepared, and will be used for follow-up research.
Scientists at the Center for Urban Forest Research have studied the environmental
consequences of the urban forest and paved areas. Canopy cover calculations
(from aerial photographs) have been completed for parking areas in Davis and
Sacramento, California. Photographs of these sites are an accurate representation
of varied tree-to-pavement conditions and canopy cover ratios, and are used to
illustrate some code examples.
Chapter Two
The greatest single impact of urbanization is the increase in the amount of
impervious surface. Developed landscapes are covered with paving, buildings
and other land treatments that alter the interaction of air, water, sunlight and
living things with the land. In recognition of this problem, many cities are
exploring new approaches to reducing impervious cover in new and existing
urban areas.
The ubiquitous automobile, an expression of American independence and
mobility, is at the center of environmental problems associated with urbanization.
Aside from the other environmental consequences of the production and use of
automobiles, roads and parking areas for vehicles pose a distinct set of concerns.
In recent decades, scientific understanding of the effects of vehicular use areas in
human environments has grown dramatically. Additional studies have begun to
explore solutions and mitigations.
This chapter contains an overview of data about the impact of paved areas in
cities. Some of the data will address all urban impervious surfaces, including
roads and roofs. Vast land areas are needed to store cars when they are not in use
at the places where people live, work, shop and learn. When possible, the research
summaries will focus on data about the impacts of paved areas used to store cars.
Roofing and pavement generally cover large percentages of land in urban and
highly developed suburban areas. Not surprisingly, as cities grow and expand
their land base, the natural tree and vegetation cover is replaced by urban
infrastructure. For instance, in the period from 1973 to 1997 Atlanta has expanded
into its surrounding forested land, replacing about 65 percent of this forest with
roads and buildings. As a result, average summer temperatures in Atlanta’s urban
area were elevated by about 6°F between 1970 and 1990 (American Forests
Healthy trees and vegetation generate many benefits. Environmental benefits
include lower energy use, reduced air pollution and greenhouse gas reductions,
decreased stormwater runoff and improved ecosystems. Community benefits,
reported in scientific studies, are increased property values, improved mental
health and functioning, and better quality of life for residents.
Paving & Environment
Recommended urban/suburban tree cover – American Forests
There is room for more vegetation and its potential benefits in all cities. American
Forests (2002b), a nonprofit forest conservation organization, has prepared tree
cover recommendations for urban land uses. It is estimated that planting
approximately 634 million more trees in U.S. cities, or about 3 trees for each
urban inhabitant, could bring significant benefits to urban areas.
Some cities, such as Chicago, have conducted Available Growing Space (AGS)
analyses. The studies show that trees can potentially be planted in residential
yards, highway rights-of-way, and on commercial, industrial and institutional
lands. Plantings directly associated with paved and impervious surfaces can
reduce environmental and human health impacts.
Scientists have long observed that urban and suburban areas have hotter air and
surface temperatures than their rural surroundings. Studies of this heat island
effect in the U.S. began in the early 1900s; the phenomenon has been detected in
cities throughout the world. Continued expansion and development of urban and
suburban areas is leading to more intense heat
islands that affect larger areas.
The hottest near-ground temperatures are
generally found in areas with the least vegetation
and the greatest urban development. Air in the
canopy layer (below the tops of trees and
buildings) can be as much as 10°F warmer than
air in rural areas. Air in the boundary layer (from
rooftop level extending up to about 6,500 feet
above the earth’s surface) also becomes warmer,
and can cause temperature inversions that trap
warm surface air. Summer inversions can increase
human health problems and escalate energy bills.
Cities East of the
Mississippi River and in the
Pacific Northwest
Cities in
the Southwest
and Dry West
Suburban residential 50% 35%
Urban residential 25% 18%
Central business district 15% 9%
Overall 40% 25%
Unshaded parking areas generate high nearground
Chapter Two
Paving and High Temperatures
Paved surfaces contribute to heat islands in two ways. The first is through
excessive accumulation of heat. Dark materials and the enclosed canyons created
by city buildings trap more of the sun’s energy. The reflection rate of paving
compared to natural surfaces is important as higher reflectance means cooler
temperatures. Black pavements, the hottest, have solar reflectances of 5 to 10
percent. Lighter pavements have solar reflectance rates of 25 percent or higher.
Reflectance values for soils and various types of vegetation range from 5 to 45
The second cause of heat islands is the low moisture content of paving and
building materials. Such materials are watertight, so no moisture is available to
dissipate the sun’s heat through evaporation.
In the peak of the summer season in warm climate areas, daytime temperatures of
unshaded asphalt surfaces can reach as high as 160°F. In addition, paving
materials act as thermal batteries, accumulating heat during the day and releasing
it at night. As a result, there is daily fluctuation in temperatures ranging from 80˚F
at night to highs at noon. Vegetated surfaces with moist soil typically reach
daytime temperatures of 70°F, and the daily range is less extreme. Shading paved
surfaces with well-irrigated plants can keep peak surface temperatures below
The on-site effects of paving and heat are numerous. At high parking lot
temperatures, paint, plastics and rubber deteriorate, and the value of automobiles
depreciates accordingly. In summer, objects in cars are often damaged or
destroyed. From time to time drivers underestimate the heat, leaving pets and
children to suffer. The functional life of asphalt is shortened, as it thermally
decomposes in repeated sessions of high heat, becoming friable and brittle.
Trees reduce such on-site heat buildup. NASA (2003) used an airborne scanner to
collect data at the Madison Square Mall in Huntsville, Alabama in 1994. A spot
check of daytime temperatures around the Mall found that in the middle of the
parking lot, surface temperatures reach about 120°F. However, a tree island, a
small planter containing a couple of trees, in the parking lot read at only 89°F.
Even a small area of tree shade surrounded by a very hot parking lot reduced
temperatures by 31°F!
Hotter Cities
The cumulative effect of acres of paved parking across a cityscape is detectable.
During daylight hours paving surface temperatures rise. Hot pavement transfers
heat to the air that flows over it – the hotter the pavement, the hotter the air will
become. This heat exchange continues after sundown and heat island effects can
be greatest at night, as urban surfaces continue to give off heat and slow the rate
of nighttime cooling. Meanwhile, rural areas cool off quickly after sunset.
Paving & Environment
Vegetation cooling effects (from Maco & McPherson 2003, McPherson 1998)
Because of heat-absorbing surfaces, parking lots can elevate air temperatures in
sections of a city by as much as 20° to 40° F (NASA 2003). Conversely, trees,
grass and other vegetation tend to stay cool in the summer sun, remaining at or
below air temperature, and are less likely to elevate air temperatures.
One consequence of unshaded paving is that energy costs associated with air
conditioning of adjacent buildings can be higher. Electricity demand in cities
during periods of warm temperatures can push supply systems to, and even
beyond, their capacity.
The heat island effect is also detected at higher altitudes, as thermal inversions
(warm air over cool air). The natural air cycle starts with the sun heating air at the
earth’s surface. Warm air expands, becomes lighter and rises to higher altitudes,
where it would normally cool. During clear, calm weather conditions, urban air is
superheated at the surface, rises, but does not cool completely. This inversion
will trap warm air and pollution near the ground. Unusually high temperatures
and poor air quality can impact urbanites health.
The absorption and retention, then emittance of heat by urban materials can
produce a dome of elevated air temperatures 5° to 15°F greater over the city,
compared to adjacent rural areas (Brazel et al. 2000). Heat island effects have
been detected in cities as small as 1,000 population.
Tree canopy cover reduces urban heat island effects (Akbari et al. 1992, Asaeda et
al. 1996). Tree planting is one of the most cost-effective means of mitigating
urban heat islands. Vegetation canopies can cool paving by direct shading of the
ground surface. They also cool parking areas indirectly through transpiration of
water through leaves (Oke 1987). Exposed soils also help through evaporation of
water. Approximately 1°F of temperature reduction is associated with each
additional 10 percent of tree canopy cover (Simpson, et al. 1994).
Vegetation Condition Compared to: Air temperatures
Tree groves Open terrain 9°F cooler
Irrigated agricultural fields Bare ground 6° cooler
Suburb with trees New suburb, no trees 4 to 6° cooler
Grass sport field Parking lot 2 to 4° cooler
Chapter Two
from EPA Heat Island Reduction Initiative
It is disputed whether climate change is the result of human activity or the natural
long-term cycles of the earth. Nonetheless, the impacts on the atmosphere from
human activity and resulting byproducts have increased dramatically in recent
decades. Trees can buffer such effects.
Carbon Dioxide Reduction
Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas, thought to contribute to global climate
change. It is released in any process where fossil and organic fuels are burned or
combusted. CO2 is a component of the emissions of industrial factories and
power-generating plants, and is released as automobile exhaust. Both reduction of
emissions and sequestration are proposed solutions to carbon dioxide build-up.
All plants take in carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere during the process of
photosynthesis. Oxygen is emitted back to the air, some carbon dioxide is released
during respiration, and carbon is stored in new growth of a plant. Sequestration is
the term for removal of carbon and its long-term storage.
A number of scientific studies suggest that urban trees can store significant
amounts of carbon. A study of urban trees of central California cities found that
annual sequestration rates ranged from 35 pounds of CO2 for smaller, slowergrowing
trees, to 800 pounds for larger trees that were growing at their maximum
rate (McPherson et al. 1999). The total amount of carbon stored in mature trees
can be 1,000 times more than that stored in small, young trees.
Paving & Environment
Nonetheless, there is some disagreement about the net carbon sequestration of
urban forests. The carbon budget is the calculation of all carbon sources and
movement. Trees emit CO2 and when they die their stored carbon is released
back into the atmosphere when burnt or decomposing. Net carbon benefits depend
on tree choices and local growing conditions.
Trees can also help reduce CO2 emissions from power plants (McPherson 1998).
Strategic tree planting near buildings can reduce energy needs for heating and
cooling, resulting in lower overall energy demand from electricity providers.
Land-Use and Climate
Recently, atmospheric scientists have proposed that land-use changes are having
at least as much, and perhaps an even greater, impact on climate change than CO2.
The scientifically controversial idea is that urbanization, agriculture and other
human changes to U.S. landscapes account for more than 40 percent of the
temperature rise over the past 40 years (Kalnay & Cai 2003).
As the scientific debate heats up complex studies will test this new outlook on
large-scale temperature change. It is likely that surface temperature dynamics,
now considered to be localized urban heat island effects, will be seen as a
pervasive result of any landscape deforestation. While the extent of such change
is uncertain, increased tree planting will probably be recommended as a solution.
Various compounds and are the byproducts of urbanites’ everyday activities.
Some of these outputs, such as vehicle exhaust and the emissions from power
plants, undergo chemical changes, and the processes can be influenced by air
temperature. This section presents information on ozone and particulate
pollutants, and how trees in cities can reduce their negative effects.
Ozone Mitigation
Ground-level ozone is “bad ozone” and occurs in the troposphere, the atmospheric
layer that extends from the ground to about 6 miles in altitude, where it meets the
stratosphere. “Good” ozone is found upward from about 6 to 30 miles, and
protects living things on the Earth’s surface from the sun’s harmful ultraviolet
rays. A helpful reminder about the two forms of ozone is, “bad nearby, good up
Bad ozone is created by chemical reactions between nitrogen oxides (NOx) and
reactive organic gases (VOCs) in the presence of sunlight. Emissions from
industrial facilities and electric utilities, motor vehicle exhaust, gasoline vapors
and chemical solvents are all major sources of NOx and VOCs.
The effects of bad ozone on human health are extensive. Elevated levels of ozone
in the air reduce lung function, particularly for people with asthma, bronchitis or
Chapter Two
other lung disorders. It increases sensitivity to allergens, irritates the eyes and
provokes dizziness and nausea (EPA 2003)
The strong sunlight and hot weather drive the creation of high concentrations of
ozone, a main ingredient of urban smog. Reduction in urban air temperatures, and
reduced emissions, are actions adopted by communities to reduce smog.
Trees can reduce surface temperatures by reducing the amount of solar radiation
that is transmitted to dark paving surfaces. The amount of radiation transmitted
through a tree canopy varies by type of tree, but ranges are 6 to 30 percent in the
summer and 10 to 80 percent in the winter. Trees in Davis, California parking lots
reduce surface asphalt temperatures by as much as 36°F, vehicle cabin
temperatures by over 47°F and fuel tank temperatures by nearly 7°F (Litman
Automobiles are major sources of VOCs. While most vehicle emissions are in the
form of tailpipe exhaust, it is estimated that approximately 16 percent are in the
form of evaporative emissions when vehicles are not operating. Thus idle vehicle
emissions may be more severe in locations where vehicles are concentrated, and
where temperatures are high. The cooler the car, the lower the rate of gasoline
evaporation from leaky fuel tanks and worn hoses. Trees cool air temperatures in
parking lots, reducing ozone-forming hydrocarbons that are emitted by cars (Scott
et al. 1999).
Studies in Sacramento, California suggest that 50 percent shading of paved areas
would reduce hydrocarbon emissions city-wide 1to 2 percent, equivalent to about
0.84 metric tons per day. While this effect seems modest, these reductions are
equivalent to agency emission reductions goals for non-transportation air quality
improvement (such as waste burning and vehicle scrap practices) (McPherson
Pollutant Removal
Dry deposition refers to the removal of pollutants from the air, as trees absorb
gases or particles become attached to leaves. This process takes place without the
aid of precipitation. Removed pollutants can include nitrogen oxides, sulfur
oxides, particulates (smaller than 10 microns in diameter) and ground-level ozone.
The level of atmospheric filtration varies based on climate, the types of trees
present, in addition to tree age and growth rate trends. For instance, studies of
Houston and Atlanta, two cities having similar canopy cover rates, found that
annual removal of particulates by trees was 4.7 tons per square mile for the first
and 3.2 tons per square mile for the latter. Generally, areas with the most large
trees have higher rates of pollutant removal (American Forests 2000, 2001).
Paving & Environment
The urban heat island effect can modify rainfall patterns. Mobile, Alabama is one
example (Taylor, 1999). The city has expanded rapidly since the 1980s, replacing
forests with impervious surfaces. The resulting heat island appears to intensify
daily summer downpours. Sea breezes are laden with moisture and are the source
of daily rainfall in the summer. Northeast Mobile has a concentration of mall
parking and local annual rainfall can be 10 to 12 inches more than less paved
areas. Consequently, nearby croplands receive less rain.
The second hydrological impact of parking lots is modification of surface water
quality and quantity. Once paved, the ground is no longer able to absorb rainfall.
A man-made surface will generate 2 to 6 times more runoff than a natural surface
(USGS 2003). Stormwater drainage systems are built at considerable expense to
handle peak flows of water over impervious surfaces. Adverse effects of increased
runoff include increased flooding, erosion, sedimentation, water pollution, stream
channel instability and loss of both in-stream and streamside habitat. A serious
problem in some cities is overflow when sewage treatment facilities cannot
accommodate peak stormwater runoff.
On individual properties, parking spaces associated with urban land uses
significantly expand the impervious surface footprint associated with buildings.
Acres and acres of such impervious surfaces cause stormwater management
difficulties in many communities.
Trees can be used to reduce stormwater runoff. Trees intercept a significant
amount of rainfall in their canopies, where it evaporates and does not contact the
ground. Urban forest rain interception was studied (Xiao et al. 1998) in
Sacramento, California. The utility department requires that the first 19
millimeters of runoff be retained on site for flood control and water-quality
protection. A combination of vegetation and on-site infiltration basins proved to
be an effective approach to reduce off-site transport of water. Approximately 50
percent of annual rainfall would be treated at reasonable cost ($ 0.83/m3 of
In addition, if parking lots are made smaller to accommodate more trees, the
reduced amount of impervious surface collects less water. Both conditions –
reduction in impervious surface area and an increase in the area having vegetation
– result in less polluted runoff being conveyed into engineered stormwater
facilities. Parking lot runoff has relatively high concentrations of trace metals, oil
and grease that adversely affect water quality in rivers and streams. Increasing
the amount of vegetation results in an increase in canopy area and ground space
for collecting and biologically treating urban stormwater.
Recent studies in urban environmental science report undeniable evidence that
trees in cities improve the environment in many ways. Urban sustainability is a
Chapter Two
blend of conditions of the physical environment and the well-being of the people
who inhabit those environments. Another field of research, the investigations of
the social benefits of trees, provide additional compelling data.
Social science research has helped us understand that visual contact with trees and
greenery helps patients recover in hospitals more quickly, improves office worker
productivity and job satisfaction, can have a positive effect in domestic violence
situations, enhances creativity in children’s play, and helps create a sense of
community when people come together for greening projects.
Some social science findings are particularly relevant to business settings. Highquality
landscaping is associated with higher residential land values (Anderson &
Cordell 1988) and commercial building rental rates (LaVerne & Winson-
Geideman 2003). A series of studies about nature and central business districts
reports that a high-quality urban forest is associated with consumer reports of
more frequent visits, greater length of visits, and willingness-to-pay more for
products (Wolf 2003). Good landscaping and big trees extend a message of care
and quality from merchants to their potential customers on the sidewalk.
The environmental benefits of having trees in parking areas include reduced
vehicle emissions, filtration of air pollutants, improved urban stormwater runoff
management and mitigation of urban heat islands. Other benefits include
potential prolonged pavement life due to shading, and reduced human exposure to
ultraviolet radiation due to canopy interception. (Scott et al. 1999). When viewed
parking space by parking space, or lot by lot, the benefits may seem modest. But
cumulative benefits for an entire community or city are substantial.
The amenities of trees are perhaps less tangible, but are no less important to the
quality of life of a community, and the well-being of each community resident.
At the landscape scale, the collective impacts of treeless paving generate
significant costs. For instance, the engineered systems needed to meet regulations
for air and water quality are expensive. Constructing infrastructure to collect and
direct stormwater is costly. And scientists are just beginning to understand the
medical costs to a community if citizens need treatment for respiratory and heat
related ailments.
Several tools are available to assess
urban forest costs and benefits. The
Center for Urban Forest Research
(CUFR 2003) has prepared a series
of Tree Guide reports that analyze
the benefits and costs of trees in
western United States regions, and
describe strategies for cost-effective
tree planting and management.
Urban Forest Benefits Analysis Tools:
Urban Ecosystem Analysis, CITYgreen:
Paving & Environment
American Forests has conducted Urban Ecosystem Analyses, translating urban
canopy cover comparisons to economic terms using CITYgreen software. A third
tool, Urban Forest Effects (UFORE), developed by the USDA Forest Service, is
software designed to model and quantify urban forest structure, air quality and
community impacts.
Although the benefits of tree planting will vary by geographic region, these
analytic tools conclude that trees generate substantial economic benefits. Having
more trees in urban parking areas can expand such benefits.
Estimating the market value of a harvestable forest is a straightforward task. The
“public goods” described here are less tangible, and not readily bought and sold
on markets. Yet with each new study the economic implications of acres of
impervious paving, combined with the absence of trees, are becoming obvious.
Many strategies can be used to enhance environmental and community benefits,
including incentives and voluntary projects. The rest of this report summarizes
the legal tools that local communities can use to complement other approaches.
Chapter Three
Scientific evidence justifies the adoption of comprehensive, well-constructed
green law in a community. Admittedly, some individual property owners and
developers may incur additional costs to meet green law requirements.
Nonetheless, the latest evidence shows that there are dollar savings for those cities
that pursue environmental benefits. Such public goods are a compelling argument
to support green improvements, including trees in parking areas.
Policy is a mission statement of government, providing focus for a program of
law and action to meet specific goals and objectives. Too often, local government
staff will borrow snippets of code of other communities, only to find that there is
no local consensus about how to adapt and apply the legal tools.
A definition of terms is helpful. In this document policy refers to the larger scope
of intentions of a community and what it would like to achieve. Local law is
created to address particular problems or issues associated with policy. Finally,
standards provide regulatory benchmarks and clarify how the law will look on the
ground. All of these elements are integrated and will probably change over time.
For instance, agreement on policy may launch new green law, then the policy may
be revised as the legal and landscape outcomes are reviewed.
Code and ordinance requirements are products of a community’s desire to
legislate, regulate and control minimum standards of landscape quality. Passage
of new law is a political process that relies on a groundswell of local public will.
Developing policy statements about the need for trees and their benefits is the first
step in authoring code for parking lots. Policy sets the stage for urban natural
systems and vegetation to co-exist with built environments, creating more healthy,
sustainable human environments.
Code purpose and content has emerged and evolved in recent decades. Concerns
about the effects of rapid urban development and its impacts on nature were first
expressed in the 1950s. Pictures of the earth from space in the 1960s and 1970s
enabled people to visualize the entire planet and begin to comprehend the
interconnection of natural and built systems. This global view, combined with
growing awareness of declining local environmental quality, induced
communities to enact green law. Once committed to a policy of urban greening,
code was written to address specific land uses and situations.
The purpose of early green law was improvement of the appearance of the town
or city by shading, screening and softening of built elements. An early landscape
Policy & Law
beautification movement promoted the visual benefits of vegetation and trees. As
planners grappled with rapid urbanization in the post World War II era, plants
(usually in rows) were regarded as the solution to screen unsightly views of mall
parking lots containing hundreds of cars, trash receptacles and storage areas,
industrial land uses and loading docks.
Green law varies widely in its content and approach, as documented in exhaustive
books by Robinette (1993, 1992) and Abbey (1998). While professed
environmental concerns motivated local green ordinances, in many instances the
required planting was merely “parsley around the pig.” Trees were used to
cosmetically camouflage the greater damages being done to complex ecological
systems (Robinette 1992).
Early, simplistic ordinances served as the first important steps toward green law,
politically paving the way for later code review and revisions that contained more
substantive remedies to environmental decline.
The earliest ordinances were usually passed in localities that had an
environmentally sensitive constituency. Often drafted and promoted by concerned
citizens, these ordinances reflected a desire to bring their communities into
ecological balance. Later attempts have been implemented in a wide range of
towns and cities of varying size, location and diversity.
While early efforts at green law focused on the amenity value of plants in the
urban setting, many ordinances alluded to environmental benefits. Increasing
concern in the late 1970s and 1980s about the quality of the environment
prompted more serious study of urban ecological processes. In the past two
decades urban forest and urban ecology research has provided information that
broadens the purposes of green law, to include:
• specify design and installation practices that generate environmental
• create planting settings that are more suited to vegetation conservation and
• specify performance standards that can be monitored over time, such as
on-site vegetation densities or stormwater runoff quantities,
• consider vegetation on a single building site within the context of local
and regional resource systems (such as a watershed).
The first, and perhaps most important, section of a green ordinance is the purpose
statement. Well-written statements of purpose make the implicit values and of the
community explicit and thus open to discussion. When articulated purpose
statements can generate the political support needed for new legislation. The
statement establishes the authority of local lawmakers to create new law. And it
clarifies the goals that guide both current and future lawmaking.
Chapter Three
The purpose statement is a statement of values that often includes (Mason 2002):
• broad references to benefits,
• list of community attributes that are served by the code,
• a philosophical perspective,
• language that sets the tone of the law.
Some purpose statements are expressed in basic, general terms while others are
very specific and acknowledge local conditions. Many refer to the basic tenets of
local government and planning and zoning departments, “the protection of human
health, welfare and safety.”
Hundreds of cities have crafted purpose statements for green law. While some
acknowledge specific regional conditions or needs, most address the general
issues of urban landscapes and human welfare that are shared by many cities.
Many purpose statements refer to the amenity and beautification concerns that
were the historic foundation of green law. Below are examples of how
communities have addressed the value of vegetation to reduce annoyances among
adjacent land uses:
New Castle County, Delaware; Subdivision Ordinance
(1) In general, it is County policy that adequate landscaping shall
be provided to reduce intrusion into residential areas by glare,
dust, noise and vibration caused by railroads, highways and
industrial or commercial land uses, and to enhance the
environmental and aesthetic value of all development in the
County. When not provided by existing natural vegetation and
earth-forms, such effects may be achieved by live planting or by
grading, such as earthen berms, or by a combination of both.
City of Vero Beach, Florida; Office of Planning
PURPOSE: The purpose of this ordinance is to improve the
appearance of certain set-back and side yard areas, and including
off-street vehicular parking and open lot sales and service areas,
and to protect and preserve the appearance, character, and value
of the surrounding neighborhoods, and thereby promote the
general welfare by providing for installation and maintenance of
landscaping and screening and aesthetic qualities. In this regard,
this ordinance shall be considered a minimum standard and shall
apply to all lands situated in the corporate limits of the City of
Vero Beach.
Policy & Law
Beautification and Visual Quality Mitigation of Annoyances
• Improve the appearance of commercial,
industrial, and residential areas and to
perpetuate Orlando's image as “The City
• To provide visual buffering and enhance the
beautification of the City
• Establish and enhance a pleasant visual
character which recognizes aesthetics and
safety issues
• Enhance the overall appearance of a
• To complement the color, texture, scale and
building materials used in a development
• Break the visual blight created by large
expanses of vehicular surface areas
• Filter and reduce the glare of headlight and
reflected sunlight from parked automobiles
onto the public street rights-of-way
• Separate the public from the ill effects of fumes
and dust
• Create a transitional interface between
uncomplimentary and incompatible land
uses providing buffering and screening
• To screen incompatible land uses
• Promote compatibility between land uses by
reducing the visual, noise, and lighting
impacts of specific development on users of
the site and abutting uses
Property Value and Welfare Regional Character and Identity
• Create an aesthetically pleasing and functional
living environment to protect and enhance
property values by conserving trees and
other vegetation and by requiring the
planting of trees and other vegetation
• Increase land values by providing landscaping
as a capital asset
• To protect and enhance property values
• To safeguard and enhance property values and
to protect public and private investment
• To protect public health, safety, and general
welfare through the reduction of noise, air,
and visual pollution, light glare, and
moderate air temperature
• Mitigate for loss of natural resources values
• Unify development, and enhance and define
public and private spaces
• Maximize the retention of trees, a valuable
natural resource of the community
• Protect environmentally sensitive areas from
activities which would alter their ecological
integrity, balance or character
• Conserve water by preserving existing native
plants which are adapted to Central Florida
seasonal precipitation rates, encouraging
the use of plant materials specifically suited
to the growing conditions of a particular
• To encourage the preservation of existing trees
and desirable vegetation
• To preserve, protect, and restore the unique
identity and environment of the City of
Virginia Beach and preserve the economic
base attracted to the City by such factors
• Restore natural communities through reestablishment
of native plants
Table 1: Purpose Statement Themes
Chapter Three
Ecological Benefits Ecological Functions or Services
• Provide shade, noise attenuation, filtering the
air of particulate and gaseous pollutants and
other beneficial environmental effects to the
• Aid in water conservation and water quality
protection by requiring the use of native
plant material in landscaping and the
retention of existing natural vegetation,
thereby reducing the need for irrigation,
pesticides, herbicides and fertilizers
• Improve environmental quality through the
retention and installation of vegetation,
including improved air and water quality
through the removal of carbon dioxide and
the generation of oxygen, facilitation of
aquifer recharge and reduction of storm
water runoff, decrease air and noise
pollution, prevent soil erosion and
sedimentation, mitigate heat and glare
through shade and evapotranspiration.
• To aid in stabilizing the environment’s
ecological balance by contributing to the
processes of air purification, oxygen
regeneration, groundwater recharge, and
stormwater runoff retardation
• Modify the rate of stormwater runoff and
increase the capability of groundwater
recharge in urbanizing areas
• Promote soil conservation by maintaining
and controlling alterations of the
natural terrain, and thereby reduce
sedimentation and air and surface water
pollution resulting from soil erosion
• Minimize flooding by controlling filling
activities and changes in drainage
• Promote energy conservation by
maximizing the cooling and shading
effects of trees
• Aid in energy conservation by providing
shade from the sun and shelter from the
• To filter pollutants from the air and assist
in the generation of oxygen
Table 2: Purpose Statement Themes (continued)
The most far-reaching justification for good green law is environmental quality
and sustainability. Recent scientific findings provide the evidence that concerned
citizens and decision-makers need to act on their long-standing intuitions that
plants in cities provide many functions and services. Consequently, in recent
years the scope of purpose statements has expanded to acknowledge more
extensive community needs and landscapes.
The format of purpose statements is typically a list of succinct phrases about
conditions and benefits. The topics of the phrases can be generally categorized
along several themes. Tables 1 and 2 contain verbatim examples from a variety of
municipalities, but are rearranged by category.
A. Beautification and Visual Quality
One theme captures the origins of green law in many communities – concerns
about beautification and other amenity values. A nice appearance is assumed to
Policy & Law
correlate to the well-being of citizens, and the appeal of the community to both
current and potential occupants.
B. Mitigation of Annoyances
This purpose reflects the historic land use and zoning trends of the United States.
In the industrial growth era of the nation’s history there was great concern about
the community welfare impacts of industrial land uses on adjacent commercial
and residential areas. Land uses were zoned and separated by function. Planting
zones were seen as one technique to buffer or contain the effects of one land use
on another. While direct harms of nearby land uses were not as great a public
issue during urban expansion of the 1950s and 1960s, plants and landscaping
continued to be regarded as suitable materials for screening views of cars or
commercial use areas.
C. Property Value and Welfare
Government policy and regulation should serve diverse interests within a
community. Many purpose statements imply that trees and landscape sustain
market values of properties, appealing to business constituencies. This sentiment
has been scientifically verified, for multiple studies of residential properties
suggest that market values of homes with significant trees typically have market
prices 3 to 7 percent greater than non-vegetated equivalent parcels.
D. Regional Character and Identity
Some statements acknowledge that ornamental landscapes can reflect local
topography, climate and biological conditions. Such statements typically connect
unique landscape features to a sense of community identity. Or they may
establish that a distinctive landscape is a valuable asset to the community’s
commercial enterprises and economic vitality. Often such statements are
followed by code that specifically conserves key green spaces or species that are
identified as the markers of a singular landscape.
E. Ecological Benefits
Whether planted on public or private property, trees in cities generate many
public goods. Benefits extend beyond the boundaries of single parcels, improving
the well-being and welfare of people throughout the community. Such purpose
statements reference current science about the potential of trees to mitigate
citywide environmental concerns.
F. Ecological Functions or Services
Governments provide infrastructure systems in cities, such as transportation and
utilities. The most recent environmental economics literature has concluded that
nature can provide “green infrastructure” services that are comparable to those of
“gray infrastructure.” At one time concrete and steel were inexpensive options;
now analysis suggests that working with nature is more cost effective, as
Chapter Three
restoration of natural systems may be less expensive than the construction and
maintenance costs of structural systems. Green infrastructure is becoming
economically viable. For instance, some communities require on-site stormwater
processing using a combination of engineered structures and natural materials,
thereby saving money and improving the environment.
The City of Raleigh provides one example of how these diverse community
values are combined in a purpose statement:
Raleigh, North Carolina
Code of General Ordinances, Chapter 2: Zoning
Section 10-2082.6. Vehicular Surface Area Landscape
(a) Intent, Purposes and Application.
(1) It is the intent of this section to modify and reduce the
deleterious visual, environmental, and aesthetic effects of existing
and proposed vehicular surface areas. The landscape
requirements herein have been developed to:
a. filter and reduce the glare of headlight and reflected sunlight
from parked automobiles onto the public street rights-of-way and;
b. separate the public from the ill effects of fumes and dust and;
c. visually modify the appearance of parking areas and vehicular
surface areas, to encourage the construction of such necessary
areas in a manner that more closely follows the existing natural
contours of the land and;
d. distribute planting areas around and within the parking area
e. modify the rate of stormwater runoff and increase the capability
of groundwater recharge in urbanizing areas and;
f. provide shade, noise attenuation, filtering the air of particulate
and gaseous pollutants and other beneficial environmental effects
to the microclimate and;
g. prevent the overcrowding of land and;
h. break the visual blight created by large expanses of vehicular
surface areas.
Policy & Law
Appendix A contains more examples of purpose statements from cities that have
combined multiple themes to justify a comprehensive approach to green law.
Multi-theme purpose statements generate a legal foundation for conserving
existing vegetation, increasing plantings within new development and promoting
urban sustainability.
This chapter has provided an overview of purpose statements. The next two
chapters provide details about the specific legal approaches and language that can
be used to increase the amount of vegetation associated with paved parking areas.
Chapter Four
A major complaint about parking areas is their poor appearance – their tendency
to be big, hot, open expanses that have little spatial relationship to other activities
or buildings around them. The size and scale of parking lots causes them to break
the functional and visual links between buildings and can damage the continuity
of community streets.
Aesthetic concerns were the earliest inspirations for code about vegetation and
parking areas. Reactions to parking eyesores generated initial political support for
parking landscape law. Regulations were needed because, in many cases,
proposed landscaping was deleted from development plans due to construction
cost overruns or lack of city oversight. When plants were installed they were
often of questionable quality, or located and awkwardly and arbitrarily in a site.
This chapter provides an overview of parking lot code that emerged to address
visual issues (and other contiguous properties concerns). The parking lot
landscape code of many communities is meager, sometimes requiring only a strip
of sod and a few small trees around the perimeter of a lot.
Other cities have drafted broader regulations that address aesthetically oriented
vegetation requirements, probably also generating environmental improvements.
Some of these examples may be a good starting point for communities that seek to
start a process of code development, but may not yet have political backing for
more stringent code that primarily addresses environmental purposes.
The sample code is sorted and presented as themes and categories of standards.
The actual wording of landscape and tree code varies widely from place to place,
and rarely is organized in the way you will find here. This document is intended
to help code authors choose the basic elements of what their local code might
contain. Examples of local code in Appendix B demonstrate how the elements are
assembled into ordinances.
Physical screening of unsightly parking expanses, those seas of cars and their
associated annoyances, is the most prevalent vegetation requirement in municipal
code. The following two topics, interior landscape and vegetation quantity, are
additional strategies for reducing visual impacts of vehicular use areas.
Physical screens and buffer zones are deemed especially necessary on lot lines:
• where commercial or industrial uses abut residential land uses
• around open storage areas and loading docks
• on parking area perimeters
Code Traditions
• near on-grade and above-grade electrical or mechanical equipment such as
heat pumps and transformers, and
• surrounding garbage pick-up or dumpster storage bays
The Orlando landscape ordinance describes the purposes of screens and
City of Orlando, Florida
Chapter 60 - Subdivision and Landscaping Ordinance
Part 2: Landscaping and Vegetation Protection
2F. Bufferyards, Section 60.260. Purpose of Bufferyards
. . . are intended to separate different land uses from each other
and . . . to eliminate or minimize potential nuisances such as dirt,
litter, noise, glare of lights, signs and unsightly buildings or
parking areas, or to provide spacing to reduce adverse impact of
noise, odor, or danger from fires or explosions. Plantings provided
in connection with bufferyards also assist in reducing air pollution
Both the amount of land and the type and amount of planting
specified . . . are designed to reduce nuisances between adjacent
land uses or between a land use and a public road.
Screening is usually accomplished
using vegetation, earthen mounds
(known as berms), wood or masonry
walls, or any combination thereof.
Vegetation strategies include
prescribed planting strip widths,
evergreen plantings and densely
planted hedges (Figure 3). Code may
also include standards for the height,
width, type and density of materials.
Required opacity of vegetative
screens may be a standard.
Some code distinguishes between
street frontage landscaping and other
perimeter area landscaping, acknowledging community expectations of public
appearance. It is more common to require screens along the street edge than other
perimeter areas, except perhaps when an adjacent lot is zoned for residential use.
Screening regulations reflects historic zoning practices and presence of heavy
industry. Certain commercial and industrial land uses were hazardous or
unsightly and plants were introduced to mitigate adverse impacts.
Vegetation screen of parking lot using trees and hedges
Chapter Four
Contemporary urban planning concepts and practices (such as
New Urbanism) seek to mix zoning types in multi-functional
urban villages where residents can gain access to commercial
areas as pedestrians or by using transit.
In this emerging mixed-use urban environment, screening
code is less relevant than other vegetation purposes. In
addition, a concentration of vegetation around the edge of a
property boundary may not generate many environmental
services or benefits, as little paved surface is shaded.
Many local landscape ordinances include requirements for
landscape development internal to parking lots. Often
requirements for internal plantings were intended more for
traffic routing and guidance than landscape benefits.
Standards for interior landscaping usually includes some
combination of the following six options. For instance, one
community might specify that planting area be calculated
based on the number of parking spaces (B), while another
might specify the percentage of the lot area that should be
planted (C).
A. Minimum Size of Parking Lot to Which Regulations Apply
Most communities specify 20 parking spaces or more as a trigger for landscape
improvement requirements. But a number of communities require landscaping in
smaller lots: Colorado Springs, Colorado if 15 or more spaces; Salisbury, North
Carolina if 12 spaces; Virginia Beach, VA if 10 spaces.
Portland, Oregon requires that interior landscaping
must be provided for all sites having more than
3,000 square feet of parking and loading areas, and
at least 10 percent of all such areas must be
B. Planting Area Per Parking Space
Square footage of landscape development is
proportional to the number of parking spaces. The
requirements of local law range from 10 to 25
square feet of planter space per parking space, and
may require a minimum planter area.
Perimeter plantings can screen
views of the paved area,
but may not provide much
parking lot shading
Ratio of one tree per twenty parking spaces
Code Traditions
C. Minimum Percentage of Lot Devoted to Landscape
An alternative standard is to specify lot coverage, usually
described as a ratio of planter surface area to paved area.
Community law requirements range from 2 to 10 percent.
Higher performance standards include 15 percent for Coral
Springs, Florida and 20 percent for Dania, Florida.
D. Relationship Between the Number of Trees and
the Parking Spaces
Communities commonly specify that there be one large canopy
tree per 20 parking spaces. But Leesburg, Virginia requires one
tree and three shrubs for every 16 spaces. Atlanta, Georgia
requires one tree per 8 parking spaces. Raleigh, North
Carolina has a formula that acknowledges the impact of
approach roads, requiring one tree per 2,000 square feet of all
paved surfaces. This roughly equates to one tree per 6 parking
spaces. Portland, Oregon tops the list with one tree per 4
spaces, and requires that trees be dispersed to provide shade.
E. Maximum Distance From Any Parking Space to the Nearest Tree
Dallas, Texas specifies that no parking space may be more than 120 feet from a
tree trunk, while Corpus Christi, Texas has a 70 foot requirement. Raleigh’s
standard is 50 feet. A long distance standard is probably not likely to generate
environmental benefits as few trees, when mature, would be able to shade paving
or cars within a space defined by a 240 foot diameter.
F. Protecting Vegetation From Vehicular Damage
Tree protection may be addressed by specifying that no paving will be placed
within a fixed distance from the tree center (15 feet for Carrboro, North Carolina),
or that a minimum amount of growing area must be left unpaved around the base
of a tree. Raleigh, North Carolina, for instance, requires a minimum of 350 square
feet per planting area, with no dimension less than 7 feet. Curbing and car bumper
blocks can be placed to accommodate a 30 inch
car overhang, obviously the greater the distance
the better.
Implementation of these six types of requirements
varies widely. The landscape effect of the more
modest versions of these requirements can be
minimal, and not generate much environmental
benefit across a community. Some communities
use more stringent internal landscaping
requirements to achieve sustainability goals.
Ratio of one tree per four parking
Inadequate tree protection
from vehicles (photo by Mike
Sherwood, Bartlett Tree Labs)
Chapter Four
In an effort to assure that plants are distributed throughout the paved area, some
communities specify the in-lot planting options and include planting space
dimensions so that trees and other plants have adequate growing space.
Tree islands are a common parking area
feature. They may be placed intermittently
within a bay of parking spaces. Or they can
be placed at the ends of parking bays to
ensure sight distances, provide adequate
turning radii, and help delineate circulation.
Often island interiors are too small to
accommodate the root systems of healthy
trees. Planter islands, if adequate in size,
can support large tree plantings and
secondary vegetation. A draft of the Baton
Rouge, Louisiana landscape code proposed
a classification system for landscape
islands. Large trees are to be planted in the
largest of four island sizes; small island
plantings are limited to shrubs and
groundcover (but receive less credit in the
total landscape plan review).
Landscape strips, also known as tree lawns
or medians, are perhaps a more effective
option for assuring that trees are placed
within and throughout a parking area. The
width of the strip must be wide enough to allow growing space for tree roots.
Generally, required widths range from 5 to 10 feet, but may be as wide as 18 feet.
Adequate space for car bumper overhang must be provided, so that tree trunks are
not damaged. An example of the spacing of landscape medians is found in a
Louisiana community code:
St. Tammany Parish, Louisiana Landscape Code
5.16. Landscape and Tree Preservation Regulations
Every fourth row of parking shall be separated by a median strip
for landscaping of not less than ten (10) feet in width exclusive of
curbs. One (1) Class A tree and one (1) Class B tree for every
thirty (30) linear feet shall be planted in the required median
between rows of parking. The surface of the landscaped medians
shall be planted in living vegetative ground cover.
Tree Island
Landscape Strip
Code Traditions
Vegetation quantity requirements are a component of about one-third of landscape
ordinances. The assumption is that more vegetation is better than less, and that a
generous amount of landscaping is the simplest method of improving the
appearance of a parking lot.
As seen in the prior two sections, screening and interior planting requirements
vary widely in vegetation quantity. Merely requiring that so much of a site be
planted does not necessarily insure that environmentally oriented purposes and
intentions are satisfied.
Requirements for parking landscaping are often imbedded within landscape
requirements for an entire property. The quantity of vegetation is often specified
by zoning district, with parking landscape being included in area calculations for
the entire site. An Oregon community provides an example:
Clackamas County, Oregon.
Title 12: Zoning and Development Ordinance.
Section 1000: Development Standards.
1009 Landscaping, 1009.02 Minimum Area Standard
The minimum area requirements may include landscaping around
buildings and in parking and loading areas, outdoor recreational
use areas, and buffering as required under this section (1009).
A. Medium and High Density Residential: A minimum of twentyfive
(25) percent of the gross land areas shall be used for
landscaping in medium and high density districts. This
requirement may be reduced to a minimum of twenty (20) percent
when the development qualifies for bonus density under subsection
1012.040 for Site Planning and Design Excellence.
Redevelopment or additions to multifamily developments shall
meet the minimum area requirements of this section.
B. Special High Density Residential: The minimum area
requirements shall be as specified under subsections 304.09D and
E. Reductions in the forty (40) percent requirements may be
allowed as provided under subsection 304.09E, for indoor
recreation facilities over and above the minimum requirements.
Other sections include minimum site area landscaping requirement
for other zoning categories: General Commercial and Light
Industrial: 15 percent of the developed site area, Office
Commercial: 20 percent, Campus Industrial: 25 percent.
Chapter Four
Many communities boost the amount of vegetation by combining multiple
planting quantity standards. Leesburg, Virginia requires that 10 to 20 percent of
the parking lot be covered by tree canopy (within 20 years), depending on the
land use, and also specifies 1 tree to be planted per 16 parking spaces. Another
approach is to require a percentage of the parking lot area that is devoted to
landscape, and then to specify plant types.
In other places a greater amount of planting is required as parking lots increase in
size. Examples are in the next section.
Plant specification is another approach. A code may require amounts of certain
classes of plants to guarantee that landscape requirements are not met by using
turf and shrubs exclusively. Plant class lists often specify materials by category –
canopy trees, screening trees, small trees, large to low shrubs, ground covers and
other ornamentals (such as decorative grasses). Plant class requirements usually
emphasize trees, to promote visual and environmental functions. Plant
specifications can also include recommended species lists, often highlighting
native species, generating plantings that are suited to regional climate and
growing conditions.
Sliding-Scale Requirements
Some communities vary interior planting requirements based on parking lot size.
Large lots that have significant visual and environmental impacts are often the
targets of this type of code. Standards for large parking lots provide incentives
that encourage builders to break up a lot into distinct segments.
Parking lot landscaping codes of Bellevue and Redmond, Washington; Palo Alto,
California; the town of Waterford, Connecticut; and San Buenaventura, California
use sliding scale standards.
In Palo Alto, 5 percent of the interior of parking lots smaller than 15,000 square
feet must be landscaped. Lots between 15,000 and 29,999 square feet are
required to have 7.5 percent, and 10 percent landscape is necessary for lots of
30,000 square feet or larger. If clearly divided into distinct parking lots by yards
or buildings, a business’ parking lot can be treated as several separate parking
Bellevue, Washington has a similar sliding-scale approach but requirements are
expressed in relation to the amount of landscaping per parking stall. Parking lots
of 50 spaces or smaller must have 17.5 square feet of landscaping per stall. If
there are between 50 and 99 spaces, the requirement ranges between 17.5 and 35
square feet per stall. Parking lots of more than 99 spaces must have 35 square
feet of landscaping per stall.
Code Traditions
San Buenaventura is quite stringent in its requirements. The city requires that 10
percent of the interior of a lot with 22 or more parking spaces be landscaped.
Five percent is required for 10 to 21 space lots, and there is no landscaping
requirement for lots having 10 or fewer parking spaces.
Performance and Points Systems
Performance systems specify the functions that the landscape should serve, and
most refer to the traditions of land use buffering and aesthetic standards. Plant
species character and the land use where the vegetation is located are taken into
Performance based code may prescribe the density of required landscaping based
on the degree of conflict between land uses. For instance, Queen Anne’s County,
Maryland uses a system of plant units with varying unit values required in
different zoning situations. The “plant unit” concept counts a specified collection
of vegetation as a unit, with six alternatives. For instance, one unit can be
achieved by having one canopy tree, one understory tree, 10 shrubs and one
evergreen tree. Plant units requirements for parking lots vary by land use. An
Urban Commercial District must have 2.0 plant units and 648 square feet of
planted space per 24 parking spaces. In most higher-density residential areas 2.5
plant units and 810 square feet are required.
Point systems have also been used to encourage preservation of existing trees and
to encourage use of particular species. Corpus Christi, Texas has a point schedule
that credits landscaping by trunk size. Preferred species (minimum 2 inch caliper
size) are awarded 25 points compared to 8 points for other species. Also, large
trees are favored; a 5 inch caliper size preferred tree receives 160 points.
Existing Conditions – Parking lot landscaping analysis (from McPherson, 2001)
Chapter Four
The development code of Orlando, Florida includes a point system for parking lot
landscaping. Code requires trees and other landscaping to screen parking from
adjacent land uses and to provide lot shading. The minimum requirements are
expressed using points. The most effective way to generate the necessary points is
to retain or install trees.
For example, the standard for perimeter landscaping is “sufficient canopy trees to
receive at least three tree points per 100 lineal feet of frontage.” Interior planting
must include “sufficient canopy trees to receive at least one tree point per 100
square feet of gross landscaped area.” Trees deliver points as defined by their
height and trunk diameter. Small native canopy trees are worth between 1.0 and
2.5 tree points; medium-size native trees are worth up to 4.0 points. Large or
specimen-size native trees are worth 5.0 points.
Orlando planners observe that the point system strongly discourages clear-cutting
of trees for parking lots and creates incentives for preserving patches of existing
forest. Developers are given points for saving a tree, and additional points are
awarded for protecting large trees or clusters of trees.
Performance and point systems give developers design flexibility in achieving
landscaping standards. Unit or point systems can be a way to encourage site
design proposals that optimize the environmental benefits of trees in parking
areas. But these approaches require a commitment on the part of planning
departments and development review staff to adequately understand and apply the
Redesigned – Parking lot landscaping analysis (from McPherson, 2001)
Code Traditions
This chapter has briefly presented the legal strategies that have evolved as local
communities have responded to the need for vegetation in and around built
environments. As seen from the examples, legal requirements of screening,
interior planting and vegetation planting area can range from the negligible to the
In the next chapter, more contemporary code approaches that specifically address
environmental purposes will be described. Nonetheless, within the traditional
approaches of this chapter there is opportunity to mitigate the heat island and
environmental effects of large paved areas quite effectively.
For instance, scientists have been studying the parking lot shading ordinance of
Sacramento, California. One site was chosen for detailed analysis, the parking lot
of a building supply retailer. Full and complete plantings on the property
perimeter, use of full sized trees at the street screening edge, and infill of all
required lot interior landscaping areas did much to reduce the heat island potential
of the large lot (McPherson, 2001). Two site plans (on prior pages) show the
The scientists noted that, based on growth and condition at time of the survey,
trees in the parking lot were projected to shade only 29 percent of the parking area
after 15 years. At the time of the site survey 28 trees were stunted or dead, 83
required staking, removal or adjustment, and 22 needed pruning (lifting or
thinning). In addition, there were 24 more parking spaces than are required in the
site development proposal, creating significant additional impervious surface.
The redesigned parking lot increases planned tree shade to 58 percent. Pervious
cover is reduced by 18 percent, by eliminating 20 percent of parking spaces
(found to be consistently unused in a parking analysis). The redesign includes
new perimeter swales and changes to tree wells in the planting islands to reduce
stormwater run-off. Tree species that have proven to grow well in the region’s
parking lots are featured in the redesign.
More information about code addressing parking lot shading, parking spaces
needs, and stormwater practices is found in Chapter 6. These innovations can be
used in combination with legal traditions to address the environmental impacts of
urban parking lots.
Chapter Five
Reflecting public concerns about environmental degradation, much legislation
regarding the environment (such as water quality, air quality and wetlands) has
been generated at federal and state levels. Legal requirements for local
environmental quality are outlined within state or national law, and municipalities
or counties may add more stringent requirements.
Local green law, on the other hand, has few national or regional exemplars. The
consequence is that each municipality must create its own code. Across the
nation, local green law is a diverse collection of purposes, requirements and
standards. Each community has a different mix of constraints, opportunities and
politics that shapes the content of local law and regulation regarding landscape.
An advantage of this local code diversity is that each ordinance can reflect unique
local circumstances and context, responding to regional variations of climate and
ecology. The disadvantage of this code evolution is that there are no universal
models that provide consistency of landscape quality or quantity from one U.S.
community to another (Abbey 1998).
This is particularly true of code that is focused on environmental or ecological
purposes. Scientific understanding of the benefits of the urban forest is relatively
new, and the translation of the science into a legal framework happens slowly.
Nonetheless, a few communities have written code and regulations that are
responsive to this new knowledge.
This chapter presents three primary themes of innovations, each including several
legal strategies. Some researchers would argue that the root of many problems is
simply the amount of impervious surface required for development. Thus,
reconsideration of parking lot size and geometry are perhaps the most important
issues, followed by requirements specifying the amount of tree canopy cover and
stormwater performance of a vehicular use area.
Innovation Theme Legal Strategies
Reducing Parking Surface Area Parking demand and parking space counts
Flexible parking geometry
Trees and Vegetation Tree preservation and retention
Tree canopy cover and shading
Plant specification (permitted & prohibited)
Stormwater Management Runoff reduction (using pervious paving and
Code Innovations
Code flexibility can provide some leeway for creative planning that responds to
our evolving understanding of the urban environment. With an eye toward the
future, the following chapter presents some of the more innovative approaches,
ones not yet widely accepted but showing promise.
To size parking lots, planners use parking demand ratios that specify the
minimum and, in some cases, the maximum number of spaces per gross square
foot of leaseable floor area (GFA) or dwelling unit (DU) (Bergman 1991).
Parking ratios have been based on surveys of parking rates (ITE 1987) and result
in parking built to handle peak demand, for example, the number of cars that will
be at a shopping mall on weekends between Thanksgiving and Christmas.
Parking lot standards specify minimum stall and aisle dimensions, landscaping,
lighting, and signage requirements (ULI-NPA 2000).
The American Planning Association (APA) notes that no land use has a natural or
ideal parking standard. Conditions affecting parking requirements change from
community to community. A city’s size, age, character, relative mobility of
residents, and political climate all contribute to acceptability of local parking
standards. For instance, APA, in a review of 138 communities found that the
required parking for shopping centers ranged from one space per 100 to 250
square feet of usable floor area. Office building parking ranged from one space
per 200 to 750 square feet of floor space. In more personal terms this means that
about 300 square feet of aisle and stall space is required to store a car; in
comparison, a person’s typical office space is 100-200 square feet.
Parking demand analysis helps communities tailor national standards to local
realities. The APA has published methods and examples of parking demand
studies (Smith 1983). Childs (1999, p. 203) also provides recommendations for
local studies, including demand predictions, elasticity studies, cost contours and
occupancy maps.
In regard to urban forestry, a study in Sacramento, California examined 15
parking lots to evaluate parking capacity and compliance with a tree canopy cover
ordinance (McPherson 2001). Parking lots account for 13 percent of urban
impervious surface and occupy 5.6 percent of the city’s total land area. The total
number of existing parking spaces was 6 percent more than required by law.
When surveyed at peak occupancy periods, 36 percent of the spaces were empty.
The investigators suggested that a conservative amount (just 2 to 5 percent) of the
empty spaces are excess parking that could be converted to non-impervious
surfaces. These excess spaces occupy more than 10 percent of the land covered
by parking lots.
The APA (Smith, 1983) offers ideas for flexible parking requirements. Some
communities use fees in lieu of parking; reduced surface parking requirements are
combined with fee payments that are used to construct centrally located parking
Chapter Five
structures. Some planning departments have reduced parking space requirements
to promote use of public transit or ridesharing.
The shared parking concept has become important as urban planners encourage
mixed-use development (ITE 1995). Land uses having different occupancy
patterns are combined. For instance, day use parking for office workers can be
used by theatergoers at night. Or there may be reciprocal weekend to weekday
demand patterns, for example, adjacent schools and churches that could share
parking space.
Childs (1999) also lists strategies of land release, phased-in parking, standard
waivers, and cash-outs to potential parking space users. To illustrate one of these
options, in lieu of constructing more parking spaces a business pays some of its
employees cash to not park at work, encouraging use of alternative transportation
Another innovation is to use district parking. Parking is supplied not to individual
buildings, but to commercial streets, campus or downtown districts (Childs 1999).
Santa Monica and Los Gatos California have district parking programs. In 1977
Boulder, Colorado used district parking for a downtown revitalization program.
City planners waived on-site parking requirements and formed a district-wide
general improvements organization that included thorough consideration of the
supply of parking facilities in its goals. Increased building sites and a pedestriansupportive
environment offset a resulting tight parking supply.
Impervious surface area can also be reduced
through attention to parking space dimensions
and circulation. Some of the principal factors in
developing conventional parking designs are
traffic circulation, ease of maneuvering, and
safety for pedestrians and drivers. Standards
have been prepared for lot interior dimensions.
Historically, parking stall dimensions have been
increasing in size to accommodate the largest
vehicles. The standard parking lot geometry now
being used in cities across the United States was
developed in the 1960s and 1970s, when average
car sizes were substantially larger than they are
In 1929 recommended stall widths were 7 feet and under. Today less than 7 feet is
prohibited; a width of 9 feet is common. Increasing width of stall circulation lanes
has caused gradual expansion of the space needed for equal numbers of vehicles.
In addition, wide aisles and stalls have become standard, providing convenience
and plenty of maneuvering space.
Parking lot interior dimensions
Code Innovations
While good standards represent experience about what makes
something safe and convenient, they are meant to be only
generally applicable. Analysis of local circumstances should
guide the acceptance and use of standards. In addition, recent
studies suggest that it is time to reconsider surface parking lot
Childs (1999) recommends a service approach to parking bay
and stall dimensions. Variability in dimensions is based on three
conditions: 1) the expected turnover rate of the lot, with greater
width used for high turnover situations such as parking for
grocery stores, 2) how many small car stalls are provided (as
determined by a demand survey), and 3) the parking stall angle.
The goal of circulation is to create a simple, legible route that
allows drivers to circulate easily near available stalls. Yet this
convenience should be considered in light of other priorities in
the parking area, such as planting spaces.
A common parking layout is the two-way aisle with 90-degree
stalls. This is perhaps the most driver-friendly layout, for it
permits easy recirculation and prevents back-ups by slow
vehicles. In response to environmental concerns, Portland,
Oregon has reduced the standard 90-degree angle parking space
from 9 feet wide by 19 feet long to 8.5 feet wide by 16 feet long.
Revisiting 90-degree parking is a good approach to reducing
paved surface. Most communities (such as Leesburg, Virginia)
vary aisle widths by parking angle. Parking areas using 45-
degree double-parking bays and one-way driving aisles can fit easily in a space as
narrow as 40 to 45 feet. Right angle (or 90-degree) parking typically has two-way
traffic aisles so the layout width can be as wide as 60 to 65 feet.
For some drivers, reduced size
parking spaces and narrower aisles
may be less convenient than larger
ones. Larger vehicles may require
a three-point maneuver to back out
of a parking space. Yet studies of
reduced dimension lots suggest
that safety is not compromised.
Drivers tend to slow down in lots
having tighter spaces (City of
Portland 2000). Environmental
gains are the tradeoff for minor
driver inconvenience.
Parking stalls can be laid out at
various angles, changing the
required width of aisles (from
Smith 1988)
Parking geometry – Leesburg, Virginia
Zoning Ordinance
Chapter Five
Tree preservation ordinances generally promote the retention of individual trees
and tree stands during development review and site construction. Using tree trunk
and canopy cover specifications, as well as designations of significant species, the
benefits of mature trees are promoted over the delayed gains of planting small
saplings. Many cities and counties require permits to remove a tree or build,
excavate or construct within a given distance of designated protected trees.
In some locales, removal or
destruction of existing, healthy
natural vegetation is strongly
prohibited, and significant plants
are given extra attention. In an
early effort at landscape related
ordinances the State of
California passed a tree
preservation act in 1931. Florida
laws generally protect palms and
mangroves, and Texas and
California protect native oaks.
Tree protection must be
connected with good tree health
and condition, and expected life
cycle. Saving unhealthy, declining trees will only contribute to insufficiently
planted sites, and make replacement enforcement difficult.
A protection ordinance may include several of the following elements:
1. Unlawful to remove a tree without a permit,
2. Replacement of all removed trees that are larger than 24 inches dbh,
3. No tree over 4 inches caliper may be removed,
4. Special consideration granted for plants of significant rarity, beauty,
historic background, landmark character or cultural value,
5. No impervious material may be placed within the dripline of preserved
6. Protection from grade changes during clearing and grading operations
7. Protection practices are required during site construction (such as the
placement of temporary fencing around trees, and the prohibition of
materials storage within the tree root zone),
8. Replacement of trees that die due to damage or disease caused during
9. If code includes a point system, extra points may be awarded for preserved
Wide driveways reduce benefits of trees in
planting strips or trees lawns
Code Innovations
Using existing trees to meet landscape requirements encourages the retention of
older, larger trees. Communities use strategies of measures, points, special lists
and mitigation to preserve trees. For instance, Portland, Oregon allows each 6
inches of existing tree trunk diameter to eliminate the requirement for one
proposed tree; an 18 inch trunk tree
corresponds to 3 such trees. In
addition to a protected trees list,
Myrtle Beach, South Carolina also
uses a stem caliper measurement
system to assess quantities of
replacement trees for trees removed
during permitted development. Using
a point system in its landscape code,
Orlando, Florida awards retained
trees up to 5 points, with specimen
trees getting a 7 point credit,
compared to a maximum of 4 points
for installed ornamentals. Carborro,
North Carolina protects all existing
trees of DBH greater than 18 inches,
and all trees that are on the city’s
very rare species list.
Retained trees in a parking lot will require special attention if they are to survive
and thrive after construction work is completed (Austin 1997). Grade changes, by
either excavation or removal, of as little as three inches of soil can kill a tree. Soil
retaining structures or aeration and drainage systems may be needed to preserve
tree health. Care must be taken not to damage either tree trunk or roots during
construction. Physically preventing materials and equipment from being placed
near the tree prevents physical damage and soil compaction.
In some communities a particular tree species is part of the visual identity of the
local landscape. Mandeville, Louisiana is an example and its code acknowledges
the cultural importance of live oaks:
Mandeville, Louisiana Landscape Code
Article 9, Landscaping
7.6.2 Gateway Overlay District Ordinance
The vegetation protection zone is an area extending at least fifteen
(15) feet in all directions from the trunk of any tree proposed to be
preserved to meet the requirements of this section or encompassing
a minimum of two thirds (2/3) of the entire canopy area of the tree
or which ever is greater shall be required to be maintained
undisturbed with the exception of live oaks. The vegetation
protection zone for live oaks will be a circle with a radius which is
Orlando, Florida credits tree points in a landscape plan for
preserved and installed vegetation
Chapter Five
eighty-two (82) percent of the canopy of the tree measured from
the trunk to the drip line. A barrier shall be erected and
maintained around the vegetation protection zone at all times
during construction.
Tree canopy cover, scientifically assessed as the amount and distribution of tree
leaf area, is directly associated with the urban forest’s capacity to produce
community benefits. Increasing a city’s canopy cover is a direct way to increase
benefits afforded by trees: climate control and energy savings; improvement of
air, soil and water quality; mitigation of stormwater runoff; reduction of the
greenhouse gas carbon dioxide; provision of wildlife habitat; and increased real
estate values and human psychological well-being (Maco & McPherson 2002).
American Forests (2002) has identified canopy cover targets by urban land use:
15 percent in downtown and industrial areas, 25 percent in residential and light
commercial, and 50 percent in suburban residential settings. Some communities
have adopted site canopy cover requirements. Fairfax County, Virginia requires
that trees be retained or planted in new development to meet variable tree canopy
cover goals within ten years, ranging from 10 percent in commercial and
industrial areas to 20 percent in low density residential areas.
Canopy cover regulations applying specifically to parking lots have come into
use. The standards typically require that shade trees be placed in adequate number
and location so that a certain percentage of the total parking area is shaded within
a predetermined number of years following
issuance of all development permits. In the
1980s scientists in Florida drafted a model
energy conservation landscape ordinance that
required 50 percent canopy cover of parking lot
area after a 10-year growth period (Parker
Cities in the warm climate areas of the
southeastern states and California have taken
the lead in adopting cover recommendations.
Examples are Agoura Hills, Sacramento,
Woodland, Sacramento County, Modesto and
Los Angeles, all in California. Sacramento’s
ordinance, adopted in 1983, requires 50 percent
shading coverage of total paved area within 15
years. In Sacramento County, trees in parking lots of 5 to 24 spaces must provide
30 percent lot shading; lots having 25 to 49 spaces must have 40 percent shading;
and 50 percent shading must be attained in lots of 50 spaces or more. Woodland
specifies that shade trees must be distributed so that 40 percent of the parking
stalls are shaded at high noon when trees are in full foliage.
Parking lot having 50 percent tree canopy cover
Code Innovations
Both the quantity of trees, and their distribution are important for achieving
greater canopy cover. Some parking canopy ordinances specify one tree per a
certain number of parking spaces or a certain amount of landscaped area per
space. However, under such ordinances trees can be clustered in islands or along
the lot perimeter, potentially leaving large areas of pavement unshaded.
Sacramento’s ordinance contains a performance standard that ensures distribution
of shade throughout the lot.
Tree lists are often a component of canopy and other landscape code. They
typically list plants that are permitted in planting proposals, or species that are
prohibited due to disease or invasive tendencies. For instance, to attain desired
canopy cover planners use Recommended Tree Lists containing the 15-year
crown diameter and crown projection area of recommended species to calculate
shaded area.
Lists may simply contain botanical and common names, or
they may provide information on height, shape, spread,
growth rate, drought tolerance and possible pest problems.
Care is needed to generate good lists. Climate and soil
conditions should be considered. Different plant species have
different innate growth characteristics. It is better to select a
plant that will naturally fit a space or situation than to plant
something that needs constant tending. For instance, some
trees are better suited to canopy pruning to enhance visibility,
thus improving sight lines and security in the lot.
In addition to compatibility with the growing environment,
good fit with other parking lot conditions is important. When
choosing trees for parking lots, the primary concerns are
longevity, crown size (for shading purposes), aesthetics, and
nuisance factors. Trees that drop sap should be avoided, and
trees that drop large amounts of blossoms, seeds, and pods
that might clog drains should also be avoided. Deciduous trees
that drop leaves can be used if parking lots are periodically
cleaned. Hearty trees – those resistant to motor exhaust fumes,
dirt and soot – should be used. Trees with expansive roots that
could disrupt paving and underground lines should be
discouraged. In cold climates, the use of trees that are tolerant
of road salt and de-icing compounds must be encouraged.
Other lists specify acceptable and unacceptable plants for a local region or
jurisdiction. Increasingly, communities are listing prohibited plants. Certain
species may be diseased or damage prone, possess certain unfavorable growth
characteristics (such as brittle wood) or be a host for disease and pests. More
Specifying shrubs (and other
companion plants) in parking area
planting spaces may enhance tree
canopy benefits
Chapter Five
recently, attention has focused on plants that may pose a risk of becoming
invasive in greenbelts and native reserves.
The composition of a planting design is also important. Using a diversity of
species can reduce both the spread of tree disease and the effect of a disease on
the overall tree cover. The International Society of Arboriculture recommends the
following diversification formula: no planting plan should contain more than 10
percent of one family or 5 percent of one species (Phillips 1993). Some
communities (such as Portland, Oregon) also specify a deciduous (60 percent) to
evergreen (40 percent) ratio.
Many cities, in response to peaked out stormwater systems and regulatory
mandates, are reviewing their development code for stormwater management.
Urbanization results in the removal of vegetation, installation of impervious roofs
and pavement, and installation of storm sewers to carry away stormwater – all
conditions that increase runoff rates.
Runoff from parking lots commonly is directed to a drain that leads to a trap,
catch basin or other device that removes oils and sediment. The water is then
discharged to a storm sewer or to the city’s combined storm and sanitary sewer
system. In addition, discharge generally must pass through a device to control the
rate of flow. These devices are usually underground and can be expensive.
The best way to achieve reduced runoff is to integrate stormwater management
into site and facility design from the beginning of a development project. Parking
lots offer significant opportunities for improvements. A number of cities, such as
Portland, Oregon, have reviewed and amended their Zoning and Landscape Codes
to include Best Management Practices, such as interception, shading, infiltration
filtering and detention, as new elements in existing code.
Pervious Paving
Most parking lot paving materials are impervious, that is, water cannot soak
through them and into underlying soils. Thus precipitation collects on the paved
surface, moves downhill, and must be dispersed or will cause local flooding in
low spots. Vegetation-based strategies are the focus of this report. But pervious
pavings are an equally important innovation, and their use is being drafted into
local code.
Pervious materials permit water to enter the ground because they are porous or
have void spaces. Various materials and technologies are being explored. An
important consideration is whether the choice of paving material is consistent
with the use intensity and traffic load of the vehicular use area.
Code Innovations
Paving Description
Pervious concrete Special structural concrete having no fine particles (appearance is
like a rice cake), and having a void content of 15 to 25 percent.
Will support traffic and allow water to pass through (3 to 5 gallons
per minute) to gravel bed beneath. Strength is about 85 percent of
conventional concrete.
Pervious pavers System composed of interlocking paving blocks placed on a bed of
fine gravel. The configuration of the pavement blocks creates small
voids that allow stormwater to infiltrate.
Structural grass
Lattice of open-cell, interlocking grid blocks are placed, and
hollows are filled with soil and planted with grass (or wildflowers).
Pavers may be made of concrete, metal or recycled plastic.
Vehicles can use a reinforced lawn occasionally.
Crushed rock and
These materials are compacted, and may consist of multiple layers.
Finest textured rock is placed at the top and most coarse is placed
near the native soil. Can be used with confinement cells or
structures for long term and horizontal stability.
Pervious pavings options
For example, pervious concrete can be used in place of traditional concrete or
asphalt in parking lots, while areas that have a lighter amount of traffic (such as
bays of parking spaces farthest from building entrances) may be suited for
crushed gravel or pervious pavers.
Bioretention and Biofiltration
Increasingly, stormwater management code expects that
new and redeveloped parking lots must be managed to
produce stormwater runoff similar in quantity and
quality to runoff from the same property in an
undeveloped state. Low Impact Development is the term
being used to describe stormwater oriented development
Not all runoff can be eliminated using pervious pavings.
Using landscaping to treat and manage stormwater has
several important advantages over the usual collectionand-
drainpipe systems: landscaping cools the runoff;
pollutants are filtered and trapped in soils; and
landscaping increases evaporation, transpiration and
Prince George’s County, Maryland has been an innovative leader in urban runoff
control. Bioretention approaches that are endorsed by the county provide on-site
water infiltration and storage spaces for water uptake by vegetation. An example
Parking lot rain garden (from PSAT 2003)
Chapter Five
is the use of “rain gardens.” These gardens make use of small, shallow pools, as
vegetated landscape features, to both retain stormwater and remove pollutants.
Rain gardens can be placed in parking lot tree islands and landscape strips. They
can be installed in new development, or used to retrofit older parking lots.
Additional local code recommendations regarding runoff include some of the
topics already described (such as increased interior landscaping, reduction of
parking space and aisle dimensions, and plant specifications), but are oriented to
stormwater quantity standards.
One example is the use of landscape strips, the planting areas that run the length
of a row of parking spaces. Strips can provide small areas to collect and hold
water. A 4-foot minimum width is needed, with added car bumper overhangs.
Portland’s code specifies “permeable” curbs to permit water flow into bioswale
landscape areas:
Portland, Oregon. Zoning Code.
Chapter 33.266 Parking and Loading
33.266.130 D. Improvements
3. Protective curbs around landscaping. All perimeter and interior
landscaped areas must have protective curbs along the edges. Curbs
separating landscaped areas from parking areas may allow
stormwater runoff to pass through them. Tire stops, bollards, or
other protective barriers may be used at the front ends of parking
spaces. Curbs may be perforated or have gaps or breaks. Trees must
have adequate protection from car doors as well as car bumpers.
And the code encourages certain landscape materials so that the car overhang area
of parking spaces aid in stormwater management.
Portland, Oregon. Zoning Code.
Chapter 33.266 Parking and Loading
33.266.130 F. Parking Area Layouts
4. A portion of a parking space may be landscaped
instead of paved, as follows:
a. The landscaped area may be up to 2 feet of
the front of the space as measured from a line parallel
to the direction of the bumper of a vehicle using the
b. Landscaping must be ground cover plants.
c. The landscaped area counts toward parking
lot interior landscaping requirements and toward any
Landscape strip with parking
space overhang
Code Innovations
overall site landscaping requirements. However, the landscaped
area does not count toward perimeter landscaping requirements.
Wider planting areas, specified at up to 10 or 20 feet in width, serve as bioswales,
or infiltration areas. These spaces optimize growing conditions for trees, and
water management effectiveness. The planting bed is depressed 2 to 3 feet and
planted with water tolerant shrubs, such as redtwig
dogwood and trees such as red maple,
willow, alder or poplar. Water is directed across
pavement into the infiltration area, which is
equipped with an over-flow pipe connected to
the storm sewer to accommodate excess water in
major storms. Total size of infiltration area for
any parking lot is calculated based on local flood
control requirements and soil permeability.
Multiple performance and design standards
(including porous paving, bioretention and
underground recharge beds) can be used in
conjunction with tree planting to reduce
stormwater runoff from vehicular use areas.
Prince Georges County, Maryland (2000) has
published good guidelines. Other publications
on Low Impact Development (such as Puget Sound Action Team 2003) list a
variety of construction and legal strategies for managing stormwater. Some
communities are adopting regulatory code and others use incentives, such as
reductions in utility fees, to promote these innovations.
Bioswale planting strip is slightly
depressed and richly planted
Chapter Six
Landscape and tree code must address many situations, land uses and
development site conditions. In Chapters 3, 4 and 5 a variety of legal strategies
were presented that can help communities minimize the environmental and human
impacts of parking areas. These strategies generally translate community values
into desired levels of impervious surface and vegetation, and surface water quality
in urban landscapes.
Policy Traditional Code Innovative Code
Statement of purpose
(connecting community
goals & values with best
available science)
• Buffering, screening &
perimeter planting
• Parking lot interior
• Vegetation quantity
• Variable landscape
• Parking demand &
parking space counts
• Flexible geometry of
parking lots
• Tree preservation &
• Canopy cover & shading
• Plant specification
• Stormwater management
• Development plan review • Trees & construction • Vegetation maintenance
This final chapter presents some aspects of the process of code implementation
and monitoring. These issues may be set up as procedures that are recommended
during parking lot planning and construction, or may be incorporated more
formally into code.
Several final considerations close out both this chapter and this report. Because
there is no standardized green law for local government, there is wide latitude in
how communities address site landscaping in general, and parking lot greening in
particular. Non-regulatory options can supplement regulations and guide site
designers to the best achievement of community goals.
Developing and adopting code is but the first step; effective implementation and
enforcement may be an equal challenge. Effective site plan review for adherence
to code can happen only if planning staff have the proper technical knowledge
and commitment to the purposes of the code.
Many localities list requirements for content of development plans that are
submitted for review and permitting, as in the table below. Plan reviewers should
first check that all required content pertaining to vegetation and parking has been
Requirements for Development Site Plan Review
Built Elements Vegetation Elements
• Title; north arrow; scale, names of
owner, developer and person
responsible for plan preparation;
and the date that the plan was
drawn, including subsequent
revision dates
• A notation stating, "This landscape plan
has been reviewed and approved by
the owner/responsible agent who
understands that any changes,
substitutions, or deletions may
require review and approval by the
responsible reviewing authority."
• Scaled drawings of the property at a
scale of one-inch equals to 20 feet
• Property lines, dimensions and acreage
of each lot or plot or portion
thereof to be built upon or
otherwise used
• Existing and proposed buildings and
accessory structures to include
existing and proposed signs
• Location and dimensions of existing and
proposed streets and highways
• Layout of all off-street parking and
loading areas, including the
location of entry and exit points, the
internal vehicular circulation
pattern and the location and
dimension of required parking and
loading spaces
• Location of walls, fences and railings
and an indication of their height
and construction materials
• All site lighting will be shown.
• All easements and their designation will
be shown
• Plant materials list that includes:
Common and botanical names of
all species being planted, a key
that denotes the appropriate
symbol, minimum installation
size, quantity and appropriate
• Description, to include dbh (diameter
at breast height), canopy and
species name, of each existing
tree to be retained.
• Location and appropriate symbol that
corresponds to each proposed
and retained tree and shrub. Any
special height or shape requests
for trees or shrubs must be
clearly indicated for each request
• Details illustrating landscaping
• Additional remarks required: The
amount, depth and type of mulch
required; statement regarding the
type of irrigation system to be
installed; any other remarks
deemed appropriate by the
Chapter Six
Closer inspection of a site proposal can assure that the greatest benefit is derived
from the development design. The Center for Urban Forest Research and
Education has prepared a list of actions to specifically increase effectiveness of
parking lot planning (Litman 2002). As planners and project designers prepare
and review a new project plan, these recommendations will help create greener
parking lots:
• Do not allow parking lot ratios to exceed those stipulated
in the ordinance;
• Do not allow smaller sized plant substitutions after the
plans have been approved;
• Follow up to ensure that trees are actually planted, as well
as not removed shortly after planting, especially at sites
near store fronts where trees could obstruct signs;
• Do not allow planting of trees not on the ordinance’s
Recommended Tree List. Update the List periodically based
on tree performance after installations;
• Regarding canopy cover calculations, avoid double
counting tree shade where tree canopy areas overlap. Be
sure crown diameters for both initial plantings and mature
trees are not overstated (thus suggesting more shade area
than will be achieved).
Following plan review and approval, landscaping is usually installed as one of the
last phases of site construction. Soils underneath parking lots are usually very
compact, offering parking lot trees limited root space. This can compromise the
ability of parking lot trees to survive and thrive. Innovative parking lot
construction methods can provide parking lot trees with a larger rooting area
without compromising the structural integrity of the paved surfaces.
While beyond the scope of this work, structural soil mixes are a new technology
offering an alternative to standard aggregate base, and could be specified in
guidelines. Structural soil mix provides the compaction needed below parking lot
paving surfaces to bear the weight of vehicles, while providing an accessible,
extensive root environment for trees. Developed at Cornell University (Grabosky
& Bassuk 1996), structural soils are being tested in field conditions around the
United States.
Retained and protected trees in a parking lot need special attention during the
construction process. Physical barriers are needed to prevent damage to both tree
trunks and root zones. At times protective materials may need to be placed on the
ground in the root zone to reduce impacts and root compaction. More common,
and probably more effective, is complete exclusion of
materials and equipment from the area within the tree
dripline. Temporary fencing will prevent vehicles from
passing beneath the trees and eliminate the temptation to
store materials in the clear space. If equipment must be
operated near tree trunks, then protective wraps of lumber
or other materials will reduce the chance of trunk scraping
and skinning.
Once a landscape plan is approved and planted, its ultimate
success in generating environmental benefits depends on
tree maintenance. Specification of plant quantity and
installation requirements is not enough. The methods and
responsibilities for maintenance and on-going management
should also be clear.
Responsibility for maintenance is usually legally assigned
to the property owner or manager. The City of Rochester,
New York requires that a landscape maintenance plan
accompany every site plan, and that the property owner has responsibility for
maintenance. Pima County, Arizona requires covenants that guarantee
maintenance by property owners or their agents as a condition of building permit
The Coral Gables, Florida, code states that “the owner, tenant, and their agent, if
any, shall be jointly and severally responsible for the maintenance of all
landscaping in good condition so as to present a healthy, neat and orderly
appearance and shall be kept free from refuse and debris.”
The Vista, California zoning code once spelled out detailed standards for
• All plant growth in landscaped areas be controlled by pruning,
trimming, or other suitable methods so that plant materials do not
interfere with public utilities, restrict pedestrian or vehicular
access, or otherwise constitute a traffic hazard;
• All planted areas be maintained in a relatively weed-free
condition and clear of undergrowth;
• All plantings be fertilized and irrigated at such intervals as are
necessary to promote optimum growth;
• All trees, shrubs, ground covers, and other plant materials must
be replaced if they die or become unhealthy because of accidents,
drainage problems, disease or other causes.
A highly visible fence and signs should
be used to protect the root zone of
conserved trees during construction
(from MI DNR 2000)
Chapter Six
Adequate enforcement of maintenance requirements is a challenge. The problem
is the cost of inspection programs for ensuring compliance. Few municipalities
have staff available for enforcement. Some municipalities are exploring the
possibility of using community partners (such as members of an urban forest nonprofit
organization) in enforcement efforts.
Code Location and Placement
This report has presented a variety of legal approaches to parking lot landscaping
and urban forestry. The placement of the code that prescribes requirements or
performance criteria within the local regulatory framework varies a great deal
from one city to another. Code location is an important consideration when
drafting new law to introduce more trees into parking areas.
Code about trees and landscaping specific to parking on private property is often
found in municipal Development or Zoning Ordinances. In some instances a
single chapter or section of code will be the primary location of most vegetation
law, perhaps including a number of subthemes such as landscape requirements,
tree protection and permit review procedures.
On the other hand, code regarding trees in public places, such as street rights-ofway,
is often located separately from the zoning, development or subdivision
code. It may be a separate chapter or, as was done in Portland, Oregon, included
in a Parks and Public Spaces chapter.
In other instances, the code is distributed throughout numerous sections or
chapters. It may be found within sections on landscape, parking requirements,
screening and buffering, associated with specific land uses, or located in an
environmental section. Review for landscape requirements then becomes tied to
permit review for various land use changes or zoning requirements.
Requirements, Performance or Guidelines?
Different communities convey different levels of regulatory expectation in their
code approach. Some code and ordinances contain detailed specifications,
expressing landscape in basic numeric requirements (such as planting distances in
buffer zones). These tend to be laws that pursue functionally simple purposes.
As communities choose to promote more diversified or elaborate purposes, they
find that it is difficult to anticipate and legally describe all possible landscape
situations and design approaches. The use of performance standards is a solution.
Code is written that describes required outcomes, such as the percentage of
canopy cover or the acceptable amount of lot runoff, and the property developer
makes choices about how to achieve the standards. Incentives may be provided
that reward for exceeding minimum conditions.
Another approach is to use variable requirements that provide flexibility within
ranges. This style of code states purposes, and is specific in describing the
materials or conditions that will meet requirements. But various strategies are
used to provide choices within the requirements. For instance, point systems
permit flexibility of plant choices to meet landscape code, and often favor
retention of existing vegetation.
Another alternative is to utilize companion guidelines or a manual. For example,
tree lists, if written directly into code, can be unnecessarily restrictive, as the
entire document must be amended to add or delete plants in the future.
Companion documents that are referenced within code are easier to review and
revise as additional study or observation suggests changes. Also, manuals can
provide supplemental information, such as tree planting practices that are not
appropriate in code but will improve the vitality of installed landscapes. The cities
of Palo Alto (2001) and Sacramento (2002), California provide good examples of
companion documents.
Finally, some communities may not be politically committed to having extensive
regulatory requirements for trees and landscape. Another form of guidelines
document is a Best Management Practices handbook, as created by Athens-Clarke
County, Georgia (2001). The handbook guide provides technical references for
desired practices, presented in an informative style. Property owners and
developers, and city agency staff are encouraged to follow the recommendations,
and some incentives are provided.
Importance of Good Design
Codes and ordinances of some cities can be quite specific in prescribing the
spacing, locations and counts of plant materials. Some of the more recent or
innovative ordinances provide more flexibility. In this way a site design
professional is able to optimize parking space count, the use of native vegetation,
layouts of new plantings and other contingencies to achieve legal and community
For instance, Charleston, South Carolina provides a minimum to maximum range
of required parking spaces for some nonresidential land uses. Site designers are
motivated to consider the number of parking spaces carefully in major new
developments, as a stormwater management plan is a required element of the
proposal and permitting process. Charleston’s Department of Public Service bills
every property for stormwater services annually, based on the amount of
impervious surface. Unused parking spaces generate unnecessary costs for
property owners each and every year!
Another example is Orlando’s tree point system. It establishes landscaping
standards, but promotes design flexibility as a developer can make choices about
the location, and sizes of both native and plant material to achieve a unique
project character or identity.
Chapter Six
The 50 percent canopy cover
law for parking lots in
Sacramento was described in
Chapter 5. A recent review of
Sacramento parking areas noted
that few have attained the
required canopy rate. Tree
choice based on growth data
may help. Some communities,
such as Athens-Clarke County
(Georgia) and Leesburg,
Virginia, have rated tree species
for expected square footage of
canopy coverage, creating
canopy size categories that can
be used by designers and plan
reviewers. A city would still
need to monitor for adequate
maintenance, but be relieved of the task of measuring cover rates for code
compliance. The lists inform lot designers about how to achieve shading goals,
and provide enough flexibility so that a distinctive landscape design can be
created for each site or project.
“Signature Landscapes” is a concept promoted in
the City of Colorado Springs code and a
landscape manual (2002). In an effort to respond
to the ecological context of the city, site planting
designs are encouraged to make use of 60 percent
of signature plants (mostly native species) to
promote water conservation and the unique
aesthetic qualities of the region. In and around
parking lots, designers can create an “oasis”
through conservation of existing vegetation or
concentration of xeriscape (meaning low water
use) plantings. The oasis can become a mark of
distinction for the business or commercial
property owner.
And finally, new science about both trees and
their growth situations in cities will promote new
code development. Often, good design serves as
a testing ground for emerging ideas, which are
later codified. An example is recent research in
urban forestry about both plant specification and planting densities in parking
areas, in relationship to soil space and tree root zones. Past requirements and
practices have often underestimated the amount of root space needed by trees for
healthy growth. New scientific studies about soil space requirements for urban
Canopy Categories – Leesburg, Virginia Zoning Ordinance
(functions: B=buffer, PP=perimeter planting, IN=interior planting,
S=street, SB=street buffer)
Diagrams of tree root growth
More root space = better tree health
(drawings from Fayetteville, Arkansas
Landscape Manual)
plantings will probably influence future recommendations for parking lot design
(such as number of spaces and use of semipervious surfaces), and planting
concerns, including tree island width, length, and species selection.
The automobile is an integral part of American society. While more
transportation options are becoming available (such as public transit or
ridesharing) many people have no viable alternative to the personal car for their
transportation needs. Large expanses of parking space are needed to store these
vehicles at their destinations. Most of the time, private cars are not transporting us
down the road, but are parked somewhere.
Land development practices and urbanization trends have become part of major
public debates and national policy. Imbedded within the larger questions of land
use are concerns about the specific design and implementation of vehicular use
areas. American society has become more informed about the environmental
Green Parking Lot Design
As this document evolved, it became obvious that few other planning publications
have addressed the environmental implications of paved parking areas in cities. The
basics of parking lot design have not been significantly rethought since the 1950s.
Parking lot technology has been handed down over the decades by transportation
engineers, and the concrete and asphalt industries. One looks out the window at a
rain soaked parking lot and asks, “Is there a better way? A more environmentally
friendly way? Why doesn’t that parking lot do more than store cars?”
One possible incentive for change is to create a rating system that relates parking to
development impact. A model is the LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental
Design) national rating system. Commercial building projects can achieve a Silver,
Gold or Platinum rating based on the number of points achieved in five different
categories (sustainable sites, water efficiency, energy and atmosphere, materials and
resources, indoor environmental quality). The LEED awards are promoting and
recognizing voluntary innovations in Green Building Design, and are highly regarded
by architects and interior designers.
The current LEED system (version 2.1), sponsored by the U.S. Green Building
Council, doesn’t require performance targets for outdoor elements of the rating
categories. Certification of “Green Parking Lot Design” could include measurable
achievement of any of these elements: pavement shading and cooling, vehicle
screening, pedestrian management, habitat protection, irrigation management and tree
preservation, as well as on-site stormwater management practices (such as permeable
paving, micro-detention of water, and pollution interception).
As planners and designers re-invent parking lots, vehicle storage areas will not look
like the places we park cars today. Design and incentives will play an important role
in future changes.
Chapter Six
consequences of individual parking lots, as well as the cumulative paved surfaces
of entire cities or towns.
Scientific study has revealed that parking lots have many environmental effects.
Acres of pavement can increase the severity of flooding, destabilize streambeds,
reduce groundwater recharge, degrade water quality, raise local air temperatures,
contribute to urban heat island effects, fragment natural habitat, and increase air
Parking lots are critical to the future of modern cities. While multi-level parking
structures are becoming more common, real estate dynamics in the United States
makes surface level parking the most common option. Are there ways to mitigate
the negative effects of barren stretches of asphalt?
A single use approach must be replaced by creative, multi-functional practices
that enhance environmental conditions and improve the quality of life for urban
residents. Green code and law is one of a variety of strategies for improving the
sustainability of cities and communities. Statements of purpose, followed by code
that addresses parking lot geometry, vegetation densities and covers, and
environmental performance will improve human and welfare, as the environment
of urban areas is made more sustainable.
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Chapter 3 discussed how community values influence local land use policy, and
how such policy is expressed in code as purpose statements. This appendix
contains examples of purpose statements from various communities. The
examples demonstrate the diversity of values and functions that are associated
with urban trees and landscaping
City of Myrtle Beach, South Carolina
Code of Ordinances
Appendix A. Zoning
Article IX. Supplemental Development Provisions
Section 903. Tree Protection.
903.1. Intent.
Pursuant to authority conferred by the South Carolina Code of Laws, to promote
the public health, safety and general welfare; to reduce noise, heat and glare; to
reduce air pollution; to prevent soil erosion; to improve surface drainage and
minimize flooding; to ensure that noise, glare and other distractions of movement
on one area not adversely affect activity within other adjacent areas; to beautify
and enhance improved and undeveloped land; to provide a protective physical
and psychological barrier between pedestrians and traffic; to create special
places that are inviting; to create a civic identity; to counteract the heat island
effect; to encourage energy and water conservation; to protect the wildlife habitat
and sensitive ecosystems; to enhance real estate and economic values; to ensure
that excessive tree cutting does not reduce property values; to minimize the cost
of construction and maintenance of drainage systems necessitated by the
increased flow and diversion of surface waters; to encourage the proliferation
and replacement of trees on public and private property; and to allow trees to
attain their natural shape and size while growing to maturity, the city council
does hereby ordain and enact into law this tree protection chapter. The provisions
herein shall not be interpreted to prohibit or unduly inhibit development of
private property.
Hillsborough County, Florida (Tampa)
Land Development Code
Article IV: Natural Resources and Adequate Public Facilities
Part 4.01.00 Natural Resources
Section 4.01.02
A. The purpose of the Natural Resources Regulations is to set forth regulations
regarding land alteration, the protection of soil and water, the protection of
trees and other vegetation, and the protection of environmentally sensitive areas,
in order to maintain the quality of life in Hillsborough County and protect the
health, safety and general well being of the citizens of Hillsborough County.
B. Intent
It is intended that the implementation of these regulations accomplish the
following objectives:
1. Promote soil conservation by minimizing and controlling alterations
of the natural terrain, and thereby reduce sedimentation and air and
surface water pollution resulting from soil erosion.
2. Maximize the retention of trees, a valuable natural resource of the
3. Create an aesthetically pleasing and functional living environment to
protect and enhance property values by conserving trees and other
4. Protect environmentally sensitive areas from activities which would alter
their ecological integrity, balance or character.
5. Ensure that the activities associated with excavating and the resulting
excavation itself do not adversely impact the quantity or quality of surface
water or ground water.
6. Ensure that the hauling of excavated material does not adversely impact
public roads or bridges or public health, safety or welfare.
7. Protect surface water flow by controlling filling activities and changes in
drainage patterns.
City of Orlando, Florida
Chapter 60. Subdivision and Landscaping Ordinance
Part 2: Landscaping and Vegetation Protection
2A. General Requirements.
Section 60.201. Purpose of Landscape Regulations
The purpose of the landscape regulations is to protect the general welfare of
Orlando citizens and visitors by establishing minimum standards for the
protection of trees and native plant communities, to promote water conservation,
to enhance the city's appearance, and to provide for the proper installation and
maintenance of landscapes. The landscape standards are intended to eventually
result in an urban environment which is in harmony with the surrounding natural
environment. The landscape regulations are to achieve these objectives:
• Conserve water by preserving existing native plants which are adapted to
Central Florida seasonal precipitation rates, encouraging the use of plant
materials specifically suited to the growing conditions of a particular location,
and establishing standards for installation and maintenance of landscape plants
and irrigation systems.
• Improve the appearance of commercial, industrial, and residential areas and
to perpetuate Orlando's image as “The City Beautiful."
• Improve environmental quality through the retention and installation of
vegetation, including improved air and water quality through the removal of
carbon dioxide and the generation of oxygen, facilitation of aquifer recharge and
reduction of storm water runoff, decrease air and noise pollution, prevent soil
erosion and sedimentation, mitigate heat and glare through shade and
• Increase land values by providing landscaping as a capital asset.
• Provide human psychological and physical benefits through the use and
arrangement of landscape materials to break up and moderate the monotonous
and harsh urban built environment.
• Provide a haven for urban wildlife.
• To assist in the Protection of endangered or threatened plant species, habitats,
and of rare or endangered ecosystems as regulated by Chapter 63, Part 2,
Environmental Protection.
Fayetteville, Arkansas
Title XV. Unified Development Code
Chapter 167: Tree Preservation and Protection
Section 167.01. Purpose
(1) It is the intent of this chapter to protect and promote the health, safety and
general welfare and preserve and enhance the natural beauty of Fayetteville by
providing for regulation of the preservation, planting, maintenance, and removal
of trees within the city, in order to accomplish the following objectives:
A. Objectives.
1. To preserve existing tree canopy.
2. To create a healthful environment for Fayetteville residents, businesses and
3. To moderate the harmful effects of sun, wind and temperature changes.
4. To buffer noise, air and visual pollution.
5. To filter pollutants from the air and assist in the generation of oxygen.
6. To reduce stormwater runoff and the potential damage it may create.
7. To stabilize soil and prevent erosion, with an emphasis on maintaining tree
canopy on hillsides defined as Canopied Slopes in Chapter 151.
8. To provide habitat for birds and other wildlife.
9. To preserve riparian banks and beds, and prevent sedimentation.
10. To screen incompatible land uses.
11. To promote energy conservation.
12. To protect and enhance property values.
Objectives are immediately followed by B. Principles. The principles establish,
using a list of statements, vegetation action priorities of preservation, on-site
mitigation, off-site preservation, off-site forestation and lastly fines.
Virginia Beach, Virginia
Code of Ordinances
Appendix C: Site Plan Ordinance
Section 5A: Parking Lot and Foundation Landscaping
5A.1. Intent and Purposes.
The city council of Virginia Beach finds that Virginia Beach is blessed with a
diverse and abundant cover of trees and vegetation and that such cover is of
general aesthetic value to the city and that the ecological diversity and richness of
the city makes it a desirable place for residents, owners, and visitors alike; and
that the appearance of Virginia Beach from the public ways contributes
ecologically and aesthetically to the growth and economic prosperity of the city;
and also that the growth and development attracted to the City of Virginia Beach,
because of its natural beauty, often times requires the removal of trees and other
plant material, thereby contributing to the depletion of a most valuable natural
resource, therefore, it is necessary to protect, preserve and restore this valuable
asset. The city council declares the intent and purposes of this ordinance to be as
a. To aid in stabilizing the environment’s ecological balance by contributing to
the processes of air purification, oxygen regeneration, groundwater recharge,
and stormwater runoff retardation, while at the same time aiding in noise, glare
and heat abatement;
b. To encourage the preservation of existing trees and desirable vegetation;
c. To assist in providing clean air;
d. To provide visual buffering and enhance the beautification of the city;
e. To safeguard and enhance property values and to protect public and private
f. To preserve, protect, and restore the unique identity and environment of the
City of Virginia Beach and preserve the economic base attracted to the City by
such factors;
g. To conserve energy; and to protect public health, safety, and general welfare
through the reduction of noise, air, and visual pollution, light glare, and moderate
air temperature;
h. To provide habitat for living things that might not otherwise occur or be found
in urban and suburban environments.
City of Portland, Oregon
Title 33: Planning and Zoning Code
Chapter 33.248 Landscaping & Screening
33.248.010. Purpose
The City recognizes the aesthetic, ecological and economic value of landscaping
and requires its use to:
• Preserve and enhance Portland’s urban forest;
• Promote the reestablishment of vegetation in urban areas for aesthetic, health
and urban wildlife reasons;
• Reduce stormwater runoff pollution, temperature, and rate and volume of flow;
• Establish and enhance a pleasant visual character which recognizes aesthetics
and safety issues;
• Promote compatibility between land uses by reducing the visual, noise, and
lighting impacts of specific development on users of the site and abutting
• Unify development, and enhance and define public and private spaces;
• Promote the retention and use of existing vegetation;
• Aid in energy conservation by providing shade from the sun and shelter from
the wind;
• Restore natural communities through re-establishment of native plants; and
• Mitigate for loss of natural resource values
This chapter consists of a set of landscaping and screening standards and
regulations for use throughout the City. The regulations address materials,
placement, layout, and timing of installation.
This appendix contains examples of development code that include landscape and
tree requirements. These examples demonstrate a variety of ways in which green
law about vehicular use areas can be integrated with building and development
code. For instance, some communities have placed all vegetation code into one
chapter, others have distributed the vegetation requirements in association with
land use chapters, and in some instances minimal legal requirements within the
code or ordinances are supplemented by a companion manual. Presentation of
these examples does not imply any endorsement or assessment of the quality of
the code, as compared to other communities, but rather, the entire collection
provides an overview of the diversity of regulatory strategies municipalities have
Web links are provided for each code example (accessed January 2004).
Myrtle Beach, South Carolina
Then use link: "Complete Code of City Ordinances"
Code of Ordinances
Appendix A. Zoning
Article IX. Supplemental Development Provisions
Section 903. Tree Protection.
Section 910. Landscaping Regulations
Section 903 of the Code of Ordinances addresses protected trees, landmark trees,
and tree protection during clearing and development, including mitigation
replacements. Section 910 contains exhaustive code regarding landscaping and
trees and integrates some tree protection provisions, such as perimeter
undisturbed areas, credit for undisturbed areas, and credits for existing trees saved
– including those in vehicular use areas.
Orlando, Florida
Then use link: "City Code"
Code of the City of Orlando, Florida
Chapter 60. Subdivision and Landscaping
Part 2. Landscaping and Vegetation Protection
Chapter 60 of Orlando's Code uses a point system to promote compliance with
landscape requirements and to promote and protect native vegetation. Tree points
are awarded based on tree size, approved native versus non-native species and
whether vegetation is installed or retained. The greatest number of points is
awarded for retained specimen native trees. The code specifies required point
attainment levels for various land cover types. Procedures for identifying tree
health and plant material quality are described. Maintenance expectations and
restrictions (such as no topping) are laid out for protected vegetation.
Tree points apply to landscape requirements for vehicular use areas, including
bufferyards, areas adjacent to streets and site interior areas. Site designers can
appeal to the city for a reduction of up to 15 percent of the number of required
parking spaces for a new development, with the space retained as unimproved
reserve areas, to boost tree points. Street design modifications are also allowed in
order to protect native plant communities.
Fayetteville, Arkansas
Then use link: Title XV: Unified Development Code
Title XV: Unified Development Code
Chapter 166. Development.
Chapter 167. Tree Preservation and Protection.
Chapter 172. Parking and Loading.
Chapter 172 contains the core of the city's parking lot design and construction
requirements. Standards for the number of spaces, organized by land use, include
minimum and maximum numbers; shared parking is permitted. Section F
specifies Parking Lot Landscaping Requirements. Included are provisions for
timing of installation, irrigation, maintenance and replacement of failed materials.
Perimeter and interior landscaping is given thorough treatment. Additional
requirements are contained in a section of the Development chapter, 166.10,
Buffer Strips and Screening.
In some cities code regarding trees and landscape has been consolidated into one
chapter. In other cities, such as Fayetteville, landscape requirements are
distributed among several chapters. References to the city’s companion
Landscape Manual are found in many code locations. The 150 page manual is a
tool to assure consistency of landscape planning and design, tree protection
practices and plant installation and maintenance. The manual establishes the
purposes of landscape through description of urban forest benefits. It also
clarifies basic principles of tree physiology, and the space and growth needs for
healthy trees. The manual is available at:
Leesburg, Virginia
Then use link: "Zoning Ordinance (PDF Format)"
Zoning Ordinance
Article 12: Landscaping, Screening, Open Space and Lighting
The Zoning Ordinance of Leesburg was adopted in February 2003 and the
Landscaping Article is a model of a straightforward code containing traditional
requirements that are enhanced by innovative practices. Buffers, screening,
perimeter plantings and plant materials specifications are the foundation of the
Article. Allowances for tree preservation credits are provided. Twenty-year
canopy goals range from 10 to 20 percent of paved areas, depending on land use
Coral Springs, Florida
Then use link: Codes
Land Development Code
Chapter 25. Zoning
Article VIII. Off-Street Parking, Loading, And Other Vehicular Use Areas
Article IX. Minimum Landscape Requirements
The minimum standards article briefly specifies the critical aspects of landscape
and tree standards, including: plant material installation, maintenance, specimen
and historic trees, credits for existing plant material, plan approval. An associated
31 page Landscape Manual provides an “illustrative interpretation” of landscape
standards contained within the code. The parking article has a provision that
allows certain land uses to provide from 20 to 80 percent of parking area as
alternate surface, including vegetation. The manual is available at:
Sacramento, California
Then use link: "Sacramento City Codes"
Title 17 Zoning
Division III. Development Standards
Chapter 17.64 Parking Regulations
Section 17.64.030 Development Standards For Parking Facilities.
Section 17.64.030 contains standards for parking lot shading. Attainment of at
least 50 percent cover of the entire parking area (including parking stalls, drives
and maneuvering areas) is required within 15 years after establishment of the
parking lot. The code is supplemented by the document, Parking Lot Tree
Shading Design And Maintenance Guidelines:
Portland, Oregon
Then use link: "Title 33 Planning and Zoning "
Title 33 Planning and Zoning
Chapter 33.248 Landscaping And Screening
Chapter 33.266 Parking And Loading
Chapter 33.248 provides basic landscaping and screening standards. Other
chapters in the city's code may contain more stringent requirements in particular
situations. A modest tree preservation requirement is included, as well as
construction protection actions. The code references the Portland Plant List
which includes prohibited plants that are known to be noxious or invasive.
Chapter 33.266 includes several important elements pertaining to parking lot
design and environment. First it addresses parking space area by defining a range
of minimum to maximum number of required parking spaces. Additional
flexibility options include joint use of nonresidential parking areas, and the
provision that bicycle parking space can be substituted for up to 25 percent of the
required vehicular spaces. Second, landscaping requirements for parking spaces
are found in the chapter, including lot perimeters, interiors and buffers. Lastly,
landscape requirements include strategies to reduce the amount and rate of
stormwater runoff from vehicle areas, including "perforated" curbs and the use of
landscape strips to capture runoff. These and other management practices are
expanded in a Stormwater Management Manual:

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